Abstract | Insomnia has become a prevalent and underappreciated problem in our modern world. Characterized by the persistent difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep, insomnia poses a significant concern for individuals from different backgrounds and age groups. The introductory chapters of this thesis provide the explanation of some relevant concepts that will set the stage for the rest of this thesis. The subsequent chapters explore the epidemiology of insomnia and its prevalence among specific risk groups. The pathophysiology of the disorder will be presented, highlighting the multifactorial nature of the disorder, and the differences observed in sleep patterns between the teenage and the elderly brain. The 3P model will investigate the specific predisposing, precipitating, and, perpetuating factors linked to insomnia.
This thesis then explores the intimacy that exists between insomnia and many other disorders. It examines the bidirectional relationship between insomnia and mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression, as well as how certain medical conditions can contribute to the development of insomnia. The review then dives into some of the modern causes of insomnia. Nowadays, the major disrupters of our sleep patterns include technology and its associated blue light, noise pollution, daily stress, inadequate sleep hygiene, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The lack of sleep associated with this condition comes with a cost. This paper will review the associated short- and long-term consequences that insomnia has on our bodies and emphasize the growing burden it imposes on healthcare. Prevention strategies could make a big difference but are still widely lacking. Early education and awareness of healthy sleep habits could potentially alter the prevalence of insomnia itself as well as the prevalence of other mental health disorders in the future. Additionally, this paper presents areas of future investigation regarding the remaining uncertainties surrounding insomnia.
Lastly, the management and treatment options for individuals suffering from the condition are presented, covering both pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches with a focus on the newest treatment options including the use of Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonist and Digital Cognitive Therapy for Insomnia. Understanding how insomnia has grown into the modern world is crucial for creating a future with better sleep. |
Abstract (croatian) | U našem modernom svijetu, nesanica je učestali i prepoznatljiv problem. Nesanicu karakterizira trajna poteškoća u iniciranju ili održavanju sna, što predstavlja značajan problem za osobe različitih karakteristika i dobnih skupina. Uvodni dijelovi ovog rada pružaju objašnjenje relevantnih pojmova u klasifikaciji nesanice, koja je temelj razrade u radu. Naknadna poglavlja istražuju epidemiologiju nesanice i njezinu prevalenciju među specifičnim skupinama rizika. Bit će prikazana patofiziologija poremećaja, uključivo multifaktorijalnu prirodu nesanice te razlike u obrascima spavanja između adolescencije, odrasle i starije životne dobi. Model 3P istražuje specifične čimbenika koji predodređuju, izazivaju i održavaju nesanicu.
Rad zatim istražuje povezanost između nesanice i drugih poremećaja te poremećaja mentalnog zdravlja, poput anksioznosti i depresije, te kako određene medicinske okolnosti mogu pridonijeti razvoju nesanice. Pregled također istražuje neke moderne uzroke nesanice. Danas, glavni čimbenici koji ometaju obrazac spavanja, uključuju tehnologiju, plavo svjetlo, buku, svakodnevni stres, neadekvatnu higijenu spavanja i pandemiju COVIDa-19.
Nedostatak sna, koji prati ovaj poremećaj, ima posljedice. Ovaj rad će pregledati kratkoročne i dugoročne posljedice nesanice na ljudski organizam te naglasiti opterećenje za zdravstveni sustav. Preventivne strategije mogle bi imati značajan utjecaj, ali još uvijek su nedovoljno razvijene. Rana edukacija o higijeni sna i podizanje svijesti o zdravim navikama spavanja mogli bi potencijalno promijeniti prevalenciju same nesanice, kao i prevalenciju drugih poremećaja mentalnog zdravlja u budućnosti. Također, ovaj rad predstavlja područja budućih istraživanja u vezi s preostalim nejasnoćama koje okružuju nesanicu.
Na kraju, prikazani su pristupi u liječenju osoba koje pate od nesanice, obuhvaćajući farmakološke i nefarmakološke pristupe s naglaskom na najnovije opcije liječenja, uključujući upor dvostrukog antagonista receptora dualnog oreksina i digitalnu kognitivnu terapiju za nesanicu. Razumijevanje kako je nesanica postala rašireni problem u suvremenom svijetu ključno je za stvaranje budućnosti s boljim snom. |