Abstract | Trihineloza je parazitoza koju uzrokuju oblići iz roda Trichinella. Unutar ovog roda do sada je poznato devet vrsta i tri dodatna genotipa te su svi patogeni za čovjeka. Iako se u svijetu bilježi pad incidencije trihineloze zahvaljujući raznim preventivnim mjerama, Hrvatska je još uvijek endemska zemlja za ovu bolest. Izvor infekcije može biti meso bilo koje životinje no najčešće se radi u našim krajevima o mesu domaće ili divlje svinje. Do infekcije dolazi ingestijom nedovoljno termički obrađenog ili sirovog mesa koje sadrži ličinke parazita. Posljedično tome dolazi do oslobađanja ličinki i njihovog prodora u stijenku tankog crijeva gdje dozrijevaju u odrasle jedinke koje legu žive ličinke. Ličinke koje se ondje izlegu imaju sposobnost invazije tkiva i migracije krvotokom do bilo kojeg dijela tijela. Najčešće se encistiraju u poprečno-prugastom mišićju čitavog tijela gdje ostaju žive čak desetljećima od infekcije. Ova parazitoza može biti obilježena nizom nespecifičnih simptoma, a ističu se febrilitet, abdominalni grčevi, proljev, mučnina te bol i slabost u mišićima. Zbog mogućnosti razvoja teških i po život opasnih komplikacija, važno je rano postavljanje dijagnoze i pravovremena primjena specifične terapije. Metode dijagnostike dijele se na direktne i indirektne. Direktna dijagnostika obuhvaća sve dijagnostičke metode koje izravno dokazuju prisutnost uzročnika. To se odnosi na trihineloskopiju, umjetnu digestiju, histološki pregled te molekularnu dijagnostiku. Indirektne metode odnose se na one dijagnostičke metode koje potvrđuju kontakt domaćina s uzročnikom, odnosno potvrđuju prisutnost specifičnih protutijela kod pacijenta i nazivaju se još serološkim metodama. Najčešće se koriste ELISA, IFA i western blot. To su ujedno i najčešće rabljene metode za dijagnostiku trihineloze u ljudi. Liječenje se zasniva na antihelmintskoj terapiji albendazolom ili mebendazolom i adjunktivnoj terapiji kortikosteroidima. Uspješnost liječenja izravno je povezana s brzinom primjene specifičnog lijeka. |
Abstract (english) | Trichinellosis is a parasitic disease caused by organisms from the genus Trichinella. Within this genus, nine species and three additional genotypes are known, all of which are pathogenic to humans. Although the incidence of trichinellosis has decreased worldwide due to various preventative measures, Croatia is still considered an endemic country for this disease. The source of infection can be meat from any animal, but most commonly domestic or wild pigs. Infection occurs through the ingestion of undercooked or raw meat containing parasite larvae. As a result, the released larvae penetrate the intestinal wall, where they mature into adult worms that lay live larvae. The larvae that hatch there have the ability to invade tissues and migrate through the bloodstream to any part of the body. They most commonly encyst in the striated muscles throughout the body, where they can remain alive for decades after infection. This parasitic disease can be characterized by a range of nonspecific symptoms, with fever, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and muscle pain and weakness being prominent. Due to the possibility of severe and life-threatening complications, early diagnosis and timely administration of specific therapy are important. Diagnostic methods are divided into direct and indirect ones. Direct diagnostic methods encompass all methods that directly demonstrate the presence of the causative agent. This includes trichinoscopy, artificial digestion, histological examination, and molecular diagnostics. Indirect methods refer to diagnostic techniques that confirm the host's contact with the causative agent, specifically by confirming the presence of specific antibodies in the patient and they are called serological methods. The most commonly used serological methods are ELISA, IFA, and western blot. These are also the most commonly used methods for diagnosing trichinellosis in humans in general. Treatment is based on anthelminthic therapy with albendazole or mebendazole, along with adjunctive corticosteroid therapy. The success of treatment is directly related to the prompt administration of the specific medication. |