Title Palpitacije tijekom trudnoće
Title (english) Palpitations during pregnancy
Author Domagoj Dobranić
Mentor Vladimir Blagaić (mentor)
Committee member Tatjana Pavelić Turudić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Duić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Blagaić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Gynecology and Obstetrics
Abstract Palpitacije tijekom trudnoće odnose se na osjećaj nepravilnog ili ubrzanog rada srca koji trudnica može doživjeti tijekom trudnoće. Obično se opisuju kao osjetljivost, lupanje ili titranje srca u prsima ili vratu. Lupanje srca tijekom trudnoće je uobičajeno i obično bezopasno. Tijekom trudnoće u tijelu se događaju mnoge fiziološke promjene, uključujući povećanje volumena krvi, ubrzanje otkucaja srca i promjene u hormonskoj ravnoteži. Ove promjene mogu utjecati na srčani ritam i dovesti do lupanja srca. Hormoni poput estrogena i progesterona koji se dramatično mijenjaju tijekom trudnoće mogu utjecati na srčani ritam i uzrokovati palpitacije. Tijekom trudnoće, cirkulacija se povećava kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe rastućeg fetusa. Ovo povećanje volumena krvi može uzrokovati promjene u srčanom ritmu i dovesti do lupanja srca. Trudnoća može biti emocionalno stresno razdoblje zbog promjena u tijelu, hormonalnih promjena i drugih čimbenika. Emocionalni stres također može utjecati na srčani ritam i izazvati lupanje srca. Rastući fetus i maternica mogu stvoriti dodatni pritisak na srce, što može utjecati na srčani ritam i dovesti do lupanja srca. Ako trudnica već ima zdravstvenih problema poput anemije, tjeskobe, hipertireoze ili bolesti srca, to može povećati rizik od lupanja srca tijekom trudnoće. Lupanje srca tijekom trudnoće obično nije opasno i nestaje nakon poroda. Međutim, ako trudnica osjeti teške simptome kao što su jaka bol u prsima, vrtoglavica, gubitak svijesti ili otežano disanje, treba odmah potražiti liječničku pomoć. Svrha pisanja o palpitacijama tijekom trudnoće je pružiti informacije o uzrocima, simptomima i liječenju ovog stanja. Cilj je pomoći trudnicama da razumiju uobičajene uzroke palpitacija tijekom trudnoće i uvjeriti ih da su većinu vremena palpitacije bezopasne i nisu razlog za brigu. Trudnice koje osjete palpitacije trebale bi razgovarati sa svojim liječnikom kako bi utvrdile uzrokuju li neki zdravstveni problemi u pozadini te simptome i kako bi razvile plan za praćenje i upravljanje stanjem ako je potrebno.
Abstract (english) Palpitations during pregnancy refer to the feeling of an irregular or accelerated heartbeat that a pregnant woman may experience during pregnancy. They are usually described as tenderness, palpitations or fluttering of the heart in the chest or neck. Palpitations during pregnancy are common and usually harmless. During pregnancy, many physiological changes occur in the body, including an increase in blood volume, an increased heart rate, and changes in hormonal balance. These changes can affect the heart rhythm and lead to palpitations. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone that change dramatically during pregnancy can affect the heart rhythm and cause palpitations. During pregnancy, circulation increases to meet the needs of the growing fetus. This increase in blood volume can cause changes in heart rhythm and lead to palpitations. Pregnancy can be an emotionally stressful time due to changes in the body, hormonal changes, and other factors. Emotional stress can also affect the heart rhythm and cause palpitations. The growing fetus and uterus can put extra pressure on the heart, which can affect the heart rhythm and lead to palpitations. If a pregnant woman already has health problems such as anemia, anxiety, hyperthyroidism, or heart disease, this can increase the risk of heart palpitations during pregnancy. Heart palpitations during pregnancy are usually not dangerous and disappear after delivery. However, if a pregnant woman experiences severe symptoms such as severe chest pain, dizziness, loss of consciousness or difficulty breathing, she should seek medical help immediately. The purpose of writing about palpitations during pregnancy is to provide information about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this condition. The goal is to help pregnant women understand the common causes of palpitations during pregnancy and to reassure them that most of the time palpitations are harmless and nothing to worry about. Pregnant women who experience palpitations should talk to their doctor to determine if any underlying health problems are causing these symptoms and to develop a plan to monitor and manage the condition if necessary.
psihijatrijski i emocionalna stanja
endokrinološka stanja
Keywords (english)
psychiatric and emotional conditions
endocrinological conditions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:458135
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-24 09:11:28