Title Masno tkivo kao endokrini organ
Title (english) Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ
Author Anja Purgarić
Mentor Nevena Krnić (mentor)
Committee member Duška Tješić-Drinković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Jelušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevena Krnić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Masno tkivo je visoko aktivan endokrini organ koji ima značajnu ulogu u regulaciji metabolizma i homeostaze energije. Osim što pohranjuje i oslobađa energiju u obliku masnih kiselina, masno tkivo sintetizira i luči biološki aktivne molekule adipokine. Adipokini sudjeluju u regulaciji apetita, metabolizma glukoze i lipida, upalnih procesa te osjetljivosti tkiva na inzulin. Glavna uloga adipokina leptina je regulacija unosa hrane i potrošnje energije, dok je adiponektin homeostatski faktor za
... More regulaciju razine glukoze u krvi, metabolizma lipida i osjetljivosti tkiva na inzulin.
Prekomjerno nakupljanje ili nedovoljna količina masnog tkiva predstavljaju patološka stanja organizma. Pretilost je rezultat prekomjernog nakupljanja masnog tkiva i rastući je javnozdravstveni problem koji ima negativne posljedice na sve životne skupine, od dječje do odrasle dobi. Masno tkivo ima utjecaj na rast, razvoj, metabolizam i opće zdravlje djeteta. Adipokini doprinose ranijem početku puberteta u pretilih djevojčica i dječaka djelujući na hipotalamo-hipofiznu osovinu te utječu na ubrzan linearni rast u predpubertetskom razdoblju. Endokrini utjecaj masnog tkiva u pretile djece povezan je s inzulinskom rezistencijom, dijabetesom tipa 2 i metaboličkim sindrom. S druge strane, patološki nedostatak masnog tkiva dovodi do lipodistrofije, skupine rijetkih bolesti karakterizirane lipoatrofijom i ektopičnom akumulacijom masnog tkiva koja dovodi do inzulinske rezistencije, hiperlipidemije i bolesti jetre.
Razumijevanje složenih uloga masnog tkiva u pretilosti i lipodistrofiji kod djece ključno je za prevenciju, dijagnozu i liječenje hormonskih i metaboličkih poremećaja. Daljnja istaživanja pomoći će u identifikaciji novih terapijskih ciljeva usmjerenih na poboljšanje metaboličkog i cjelokupnog zdravlja djeteta i smanjenje rizika od raznih bolesti. Less
Abstract (english) Adipose tissue is a highly active endocrine organ that plays a significant role in the regulation of metabolism and energy homeostasis. In addition to storing and releasing energy in the form of fatty acids, adipose tissue synthesizes and secretes biologically active molecules called adipokines. Adipokines participate in the regulation of appetite, glucose and lipid metabolism, inflammatory processes, and tissue sensitivity to insulin. The main role of the adipokine leptin is the
... More regulation of food intake and energy expenditure, while adiponectin is a homeostatic factor necessary for the regulation of blood glucose levels, lipid metabolism and tissue sensitivity to insulin.
Excessive accumulation or insufficient amounts of adipose tissue represent pathological conditions in the body. Obesity is the result of excessive accumulation of adipose tissue and is a growing public health problem with negative consequences for all age groups, from childhood to adulthood. Adipose tissue has an impact on the growth, development, metabolism, and overall health of a child. Adipokines contribute to the earlier onset of puberty in obese girls and boys by acting on the hypothalamicpituitary axis and influencing accelerated linear growth during the prepubertal period. The endocrine influence of adipose tissue in obese children is associated with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. On the other hand, pathological deficiency of adipose tissue leads to lipodystrophy, a group of rare diseases characterized by lipoatrophy and ectopic accumulation of adipose tissue, resulting in insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, and liver disease.
Understanding the complex roles of adipose tissue in obesity and lipodystrophy in children is essential for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of hormonal and metabolic disorders. Further research will help identify new therapeutic targets aimed at improving metabolic and overall health in children and reducing the risk of numerous diseases. Less
masno tkivo
pretilost u djece
Keywords (english)
adipose tissue
obesity in children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:801801
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-30 11:23:23