Abstract | Sram je složeni afekt karakterističan za čovjeka koji nastaje kada osoba osjeća da njeni postupci ili ona sama nisu u skladu s društvenim normama, moralnim uvjerenjima ili unutarnjim idealima. On spada među najbolnije emocije koje je čovjek sposoban osjetiti. Krivnja i sram se često spominju u istom kontekstu, međutim oni su različiti afekti. S jedne strane imamo krivnju koja nastaje kao odgovor na određeno ponašanje za koje osoba smatra da je pogrešno te ga nastoji ispraviti. S druge strane nalazi se sram koji je rezultat smatranja sebe samoga neadekvatnim i lošim. On je bolniji od krivnje i teže se rješava. Uzrok tome je cjelovitost selfa kod krivnje, odnosno njegova disociranost kod srama. Sram sa sobom nosi osjećaje inferiornosti, nesposobnosti, manjkavosti i nedostojnosti za ljubav i suosjećanje. Radi svoje bolne prirode i tendencije skrivanju lako ga je previdjeti pa je zato bitno znati da njegovi utjecaji mogu biti razdorni. Sklonost opisanom afektu razvija se u najranijoj dobi, a korijen problema pronalazimo u neadekvatnom razvoju selfa. Dijete čije potrebe u dijadnom odnosu s primarnim roditeljem nisu zadovoljene postaje podložnije intenzivnom osjećaju srama. Kroz sljedećih nekoliko godina, (ne)razrješavanjem Edipova kompleksa i formiranjem ego ideala, kapacitet za sram se produbljuje. Iako ponekad svjestan te vidljiv okolini, najčešće se u psihijatriji radi o skrivenom afektu koji osobu uništava iznutra. Njegovi dosezi su veliki pa tako ima svoj utjecaj na gotovo sve aspekte čovjekova života uključujući njegove interpersonalne odnose i njegov odnos prema samom sebi. Sram doprinosi razvoju raznih psihičkih teškoća i poremećaja ličnosti, a ponajviše je istražena njegova uloga u razvoju narcističnog te graničnog poremećaja ličnosti. Ključ liječenja srama i sramom uzrokovanih stanja je u pružanju empatije s ciljem da osoba počne prihvaćati i voljeti samu sebe. |
Abstract (english) | Shame is a complex affect, characteristic of humans, that arises when a person feels that their actions or themselves are not in accordance with social norms, moral beliefs or inner ideals. It is one of the most painful emotions that we are capable of feeling. Guilt and shame are often mentioned in the same context, but they are different affects. On the one hand, we have guilt, which arises as a response to a certain behavior that a person considers to be erroneous and tries to correct. On the other hand, there is shame, which is the result of considering oneself inadequate and bad. It is more painful and more difficult to resolve than guilt. The cause of that is the integrity of the self in guilt and its dissociation in shame. Shame carries feelings of inferiority, incompetence, deficiency, and unworthiness of love and compassion. Because of its agonizing nature and tendency to hide, it is easy to be overlooked, so it is important to know that its effects can be devastating. The tendency to feel shame develops at an early age, and the root of the problem is found in inadequate development of the self. A child whose needs are not met in the dyadic relationship with the primary parent becomes more susceptible to intense feelings of shame. Over the next few years, through the resolution of the Oedipus complex and the formation of the ego-ideal, the capacity for shame deepens. Although it can sometimes be conscious and visible, in psychiatry it is most often a hidden affect that destroys a person from the inside. Its reach is great and it influences almost every aspect of a person's life, including his interpersonal relationships and their relationship with themselves. Shame contributes to the development of various psychological difficulties and personality disorders. The role of shame has mainly been investigated in the development of narcissistic and borderline personality disorders. The key to treating shame and shame-related conditions is to provide empathy so that the person can begin to accept and love themselves. |