Title Današnje mogućnosti rekonstrukcije dojke
Title (english) Contemporary possibilities of breast reconstruction
Author Ivana Kovač Kudrić
Mentor Rado Žic (mentor)
Committee member Zlatko Vlajčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rado Žic (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije karcinom dojke najčešći je zloćudni tumor
žena širom svijeta, kako u razvijenim tako i zemljama u razvoju. Plan liječenja često uključuje
mastektomiju – kirurški zahvat uklanjanja tkiva dojke. Rekonstrukcija dojke je vrlo važan dio
procesa ozdravljenja za pacijentice s karcinomom dojke. Rekonstrukcijom se nastoji napraviti
nova dojka koja će izgledom i funkcijom odgovarati prirodnoj te time doprinijeti boljem
psihološkom stanju, percepciji tijela, seksualnosti i samopoštovanju. Budući da je cilj
rekonstrukcije dojke stvaranje prirodnog izgleda i simetričnog ishoda, kirurg mora uzeti u
obzir veličinu rekonstruirane dojke. Pacijentice danas imaju više mogućnosti rekonstrukcije
uključujući aloplastične tehnike, kao što su ekspanderi tkiva/implantati ili autologna
rekonstrukcija i mnoge varijacije koje se nalaze unutar svakog od ova dva glavna pristupa.
Odabir najprimjerenije metode temelji se na cjelokupnom zdravstvenom stanju pacijenata,
fizikalnom pregledu i kliničkim čimbenicima. Proces rekonstrukcije može započeti u trenutku
mastektomije (primarna rekonstrukcija) ili u bilo koje vrijeme nakon zahvata (sekundarna
rekonstrukcija). Primarnu rekonstrukciju trebalo bi smatrati standardom, dok odgođena može
biti prikladnija za pacijentice s uznapredovalom bolešću. Pacijentice koje se odlučuju i kojima
je moguće provesti rekonstrukcijski postupak općenito pokazuju visoku razinu zadovoljstva,
doživljavaju manje stresa, imaju bolju procjenu slike tijela, više samopouzdanje u odnosu na
žene koje nisu podvrgnute ovom postupku. Uloga medicinske sestre kao člana tima u liječenju
karcinoma dojke značajna je u preoperativnoj pripremi i postoperativnoj skrbi. Medicinska
sestra aktivno sudjeluje u procesu prevencije, dijagnostike, liječenja i edukacije u
cjelokupnom procesu skrbi.
Abstract (english) According to data from the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common
malignant tumor of women worldwide, both in developed and developing countries. Often the
treatment plan includes a mastectomy - a surgical procedure to remove breast tissue. Breast
reconstruction is a very important part of the healing process for breast cancer patients.
Reconstruction aims to create a new breast that will match the natural one in appearance and
function, thereby contributing to a better psychological state, body perception, sexuality, and
self-esteem. Since the goal of breast reconstruction is to create a natural-looking and
symmetrical outcome, the surgeon must consider the size of the reconstructed breast. Patients
today have more reconstruction options including alloplastic techniques such as tissue
expanders/implants or autologous reconstruction and the many variations found within each
of these 2 main approaches. The selection of the most appropriate method is based on the
patient's overall health condition, physical examination and clinical factors. The
reconstruction process can begin at the time of mastectomy (primary reconstruction) or at any
time after the procedure (secondary reconstruction). Primary reconstruction should be
considered the standard, while delayed reconstruction may be more appropriate for patients
with advanced disease. Patients who decide to undergo a reconstruction procedure generally
show a high level of satisfaction, experience less stress, have a better assessment of their body
image, and more self-confidence compared to women who do not undergo this procedure. The
role of the nurse as a team member in the treatment of breast cancer is significant in
preoperative preparation and postoperative care. The nurse actively participates in the process
of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and education in the entire process of care.
karcinom dojke
rekonstrukcija dojke
metode rekonstrukcije
Keywords (english)
breast cancer
breast reconstruction
reconstruction methods
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:194866
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-01-15 12:18:48