Title Prirođene srčane greške u djece sa sindromom Down
Title (english) Congenital heart disease in children with Down syndrome
Author Lucija Sertić
Mentor Daniel Dilber (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Malčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Jelušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Dilber (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Prirođene srčane grješke pojavljuju se u oko 1% živorođene djece, ali u mnogo većem postotku u spontano abortirane djece, mrtvorođenčadi ili djece sa kromosomskim anomalijama. Otprilike 5 do 8% prirođenih srčanih grješaka pojavljuje se zbog kromosomopatija. Najčešća kromosomopatija sa PSG je Downov sindrom. Osim mentalne retardacije i hipotonije, koje su prisutne u gotovo svih bolesnika sa DS, prevalencija srčanih grješaka u ovoj skupini raste i preko 40%. Najčešće srčane anomalije u DS su atrioventrikularni septalni defekt (45%), ventrikularni septalni defekt (35%), atrijski septalni defekt tipa secundum (8%), tetralogija Fallot (4%) i izolirani ductus arteriosus (7%). U ranoj dijagnostici pomažu klinički pregled, rentgen srca i pluća, elektrokardiografija i Doppler ehokardiografija, još u novorođenačkoj dobi. Ehokardiografijom u ranijoj životnoj dobi se može dijagnosticirati veliki broj srčanih grješaka koje bi mogle biti neopažene. Budući da su djeca sa Downowim sindromom rizična skupina za prirođene srčane grješke, svu novorođenčad sa ovim sindromom pregledava i kardiolog. Rana detekcija može spriječiti pojavu komplikacija, kao što je plućna hipertenzija, koje bi mogle utjecati na operativni ishod. Kromosomske abnormalnosti dokazujemo kariotipizacijom, prenatalnom ginekološkom dijagnostikom koja nas može pripremiti za buduće intervencije, ali i roditelje za ono što ih očekuje. Prema tome, profesionalci, pogotovo pedijatri, moraju biti svjesni da kariotipizacija može pomoći u dijagnostici, liječenju i prognozi te u genetskom savjetovanju pacijenata i njihove obitelji. Razvojem medicinskih i kirurških mogućnosti smanjen je mortalitet i morbiditet u ovoj rizičnoj skupini pacijenata. Naravno, konačan ishod ovisi i o kompleksnosti srčane grješke i vremenu proteklom od postavljanja dijagnoze. Za dugotrajan ishod skrbi o djeci sa sindromom Down od osobitog značaja je integrirana briga i multidisciplinarni pristup.
Abstract (english) Congenital heart disease (CHD) occurs in approximately 1 per cent of liveborn children, but in a much higher percentage in those aborted spontaneously, stillborn or with chromosomal abnormalities. Approximately 5 to 8 per cent of CHD is due to gross chromosomal abnormalities. The most common chromosomal defect with congenital heart disease is Down syndrome. Aside of mental retardation and hypotonia, which are present in virtually all Down syndrome (DS) individuals, the frequency of CHD ranges to 40% or more. The most common heart defects found in Down syndrome are endocardial cushion defect (45%) ventricular septal defect (35%), secundum atrial septal defect (8%), tetralogy of Fallot (4%) and isolated patent ductus arteriosus (7%). Clinical examination, chest radiography, and electrocardiography soon after birth, followed by cross sectional Doppler echocardiography, help in diagnostics. Echocardiography performed early in life can detect congenital heart disease that might otherwise be missed. Since children with DS are at the risk group of getting CHD, all newborn with this syndrome have to be examinated by kardiologist. Early detection may help prevent complications such as pulmonary vascular disease that may adversely affect the outcome of cardiac surgery. Chromosomal abnormalities are detected through karyotyping, prenatal diagnostic by ginecologist, which can prepare us for further interventions and for parents to be prepared. Thus, professionals, especially pediatrics, must be aware of the implications that performing the karyotype can bring to the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis and for genetic counseling of patients and families. Improved medical and surgical care has decreased morbidity and mortality in these patients in recent years. At the end, final outcome depends on complexity of HD and of time spend without diagnosis. Long therm outcome for childrend with Down syndrome depends on integrated care and mulitdisciplinary approach.
prirođene srčane grješke
Down sindrom
Keywords (english)
heart defects
chromosome aberrations
Down syndrome
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:444498
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-08-09 07:53:22