Title Bolesnikov doživljaj bolesti i kontrola kardiovaskularnih čimbenika rizika
Title (english) The patients experience of disease and control of the cardiovascular risk factors
Author Allen Cafuta
Mentor Goranka Petriček (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Tiljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Venija Cerovečki Nekić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goranka Petriček (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Family Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Family Medicine
Abstract Rezultati velikog broja istraživanja upućuju da već ustaljena medicinska praksa često pokazuje manjkavost po pitanju odnosa liječnika i bolesnika, jer ne dolazi do ispunjenja potreba i očekivanja bolesnika u procesu konzultacije. Težnja za objektivnošću i emocionalnom distanciranošću kod liječnika može dovesti do toga da bolesnik ne dolazi do izražaja tijekom konzultacije, a time se gubi važan spektar informacija koje uključuju bolesnikove emocije, ideje, poremećaje njegova funkcioniranja uslijed bolesti i očekivanja od liječnika. Posljedica toga jest narušen odnos između liječnika i bolesnika, a smanjena kooperativnost dovodi bolesnika u stanje nezadovoljstva i narušenog doživljaja bolesti, čime je povećana mogućnost problematičnog ishoda bolesti naročito ako uzmemo u obzir da su bolesnici tada skloniji nepridržavanju preporuka liječnika i neadherentnosti na propisanu terapiju. Posebice je niska adherentnost na preporučeno liječenje kardiovaskularnih (KV) bolesti što je istaknuti javnozdravstveni problem u skrbi za ove bolesnike. Budući da velik dio dnevnih odluka vezanih uz kontrolu KV čimbenika rizika donosi sam bolesnik, od velike je važnosti razumjeti bolesnikov doživljaj bolesti kao njegov odgovor na bolest i identificirati čimbenike vezane uz bolesnika koji utječu na kontrolu KV čimbenika rizika te posljedično na stupanj kontrole bolesti, sa svrhom unapređenja ishoda liječenja ovih bolesti. No također, i sami liječnici su nerijetko limitirani u postupcima koje mogu učiniti u vezi neke bolesti, međutim, uključivanjem gore navedenih komponenti povećava se i njihova mogućnost djelovanja. Iz toga proizlazi potreba za ostvarenjem dijaloga na ravnopravnoj razini, gdje se težnja prebacuje na poštovanje, razumijevanje, međusobno uvažavanje te dogovor oko postupaka liječenja.
Abstract (english) Due to numerous studies results, today we can conclude with certainty that the established medical practice shows certain fallacies regarding the relationship between the doctor and the patient, since the needs and expectations of the latter are not met in the consultation process. Striving for objectivity and emotional distance on the doctor's behalf can lead to the patient not being heard during the consultations, which in turn leads to the loss of an important range of information, including the patient's emotions, ideas, functional disorders caused by the disease, and his expectations of the doctor. The consequence thereof is a disturbed doctor-patient relationship, and the reduced cooperation brings the patient into a state of dissatisfaction and skews his experience of the disease. Consequently, the possibility of a problematic outcome of the disease increases, especially if we take into consideration that in such cases patients are more likely not to follow the doctor's orders and not to adhere to the recommended treatment. Adherence to the recommended treatment of cardiovascular (CV) diseases is especially low, which is a noted and notable public health issue when caring for such patients. Since the patient himself decides on most of the daily issues related to the control of CV risk factors, understanding his experience of the disease and seeing it as his response to the disease is of paramount importance. It is therefore highly important to identify the patient-related factors that influence the control of CV risk factors and of the disease itself, all with the purpose of improving the possible outcome of the treatment. The doctors themselves are often limited when it comes to what they can and cannot do about a certain disease; however, by including the aforementioned components, their action range is expanded. Therefore derives the need to establish a dialogue on equal footing, with an emphasis on mutual respect, acceptance, understanding, and agreement on the treatment process.
bolesnikov doživljaj bolesti
kardiovaskularne bolesti
kontrola kardiovaskularnih čimbenika rizika
adherentnost bolesnika na preporučeno liječenje
Keywords (english)
the patient's experience of the disease
cardiovascular diseases
control of cardiovascular risk factors
the patient's adherence to recommended treatment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:353038
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-08-10 09:32:01