Abstract | Istražujući složenu povezanost između sistemskih bolesti i njihovih manifestacija na genitalnom području, ističe se važan, ali često zanemaren aspekt medicinskih pregleda. Tipično, pregledi genitalnog područja nisu rutinski uključeni u sveobuhvatne kožne preglede, a u toj praksi mogu se propustiti rani znakovi osnovnih sistemskih stanja. Na primjer, alergijske bolesti mogu se manifestirati simptomima poput svrbeža, peckanja i iritacije posebno na genitalnom području. Slično tome, upalne bolesti poput psorijaze i atopijskog dermatitisa ne uzrokuju samo nelagodu, već značajno utječu na seksualno zdravlje i kvalitetu života. Psorijaza, posebno, može dovesti do ljuskavih plakova popraćenih svrbežom koji se često zanemaruju ako genitalno područje nije temeljito pregledano. Metaboličke bolesti, kao što je dijabetes, također utječu na genitalno područje stvaranjem uvjeta koji potiču komplikacije poput gljivičnih infekcija. Loše regulirani dijabetes pogoduje opetovanim javljanjem infekcija zbog kože i sluznice bogatom glukozom. Onkološke bolesti predstavljaju značajan problem jer se brojni karcinomi mogu se inicijalno manifestirati kao neobične novotvorine ili lezije na genitalnom području, a to su znakovi koji bi mogli biti zanemareni bez temeljitog pregleda. Stanja poput HIV-a i tuberkuloze mogu pokazati rane znakove na genitalnom području, a prepoznavanje tih može dovesti do pravovremenih intervencija. Autoimune bolesti, uključujući sistemski eritemski lupus i Crohnovu bolest, često pokazuju rane znakove na genitalnom području, što, ako se prepozna, može značajno utjecati na tijek bolesti i ishode za pacijente. Vitalan je multidisciplinarni pristup koji uključuje dermatologe, interniste, specijaliste za infektivne bolesti, endokrinologe, ginekologe, proktologe, urologe i druge. Ova suradnička strategija osigurava to da simptomi, posebno oni koji se manifestiraju na manje pregledanim područjima poput genitalija, ne budu zanemareni. Poboljšanjem svijesti i razumijevanja među zdravstvenim radnicima i pacijentima možemo smanjiti stigmu oko pregleda genitalnog područja. To potiče otvoreni dijalog, vodeći do boljih zdravstvenih ishoda i poboljšanja kvalitete života za pacijente koji se suočavaju s kompleksnim sustavim stanjima. |
Abstract (english) | Exploring the complex connection between systemic diseases and their manifestations in the genital area highlights an important but often overlooked aspect of medical examinations. Typically, genital examinations are not routinely included in comprehensive skin exams, which can lead to missing early signs of underlying systemic conditions. For instance, allergic diseases can manifest with symptoms such as itching, burning, and irritation, particularly in the genital area. Similarly, inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis not only cause discomfort but also significantly impact sexual health and quality of life. Psoriasis, in particular, can lead to scaly plaques accompanied by itching, which are often overlooked if the genital area is not thoroughly examined. Metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, also affect the genital area by creating conditions that promote complications like fungal infections. Poorly regulated diabetes favors the recurrence of infections due to glucose-rich skin and mucous membranes. Oncological diseases pose a significant problem as many cancers can initially manifest as unusual growths or lesions in the genital area, signs that could be missed without a thorough examination. Conditions like HIV and tuberculosis can show early signs in the genital area, and recognizing these can lead to timely interventions. Autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus and Crohn's disease, often show early signs in the genital area, which, if recognized, can significantly impact disease progression and patient outcomes. A multidisciplinary approach involving dermatologists, internists, infectious disease specialists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, proctologists, urologists, and others is vital. This collaborative strategy ensures that symptoms, especially those manifesting in less frequently examined areas like the genitals, are not overlooked. By improving awareness and understanding among healthcare workers and patients, we can reduce the stigma around genital examinations. This
fosters open dialogue, leading to better health outcomes and improved quality of life for patients facing complex systemic condition |