Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Glavni je cilj bio ispitati stavove trudnica i njihovih partnera prema dojenju, prije i nakon edukacije s obzirom na spol, dob i stručnu spremu.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici su bile trudnice (N = 75) i njihovi partneri (N = 50). Kao instrument istraživanja upotrijebljen je anketni list s demografskim podatcima i skalom za ispitivanje stavova o dojenju (Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale). Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2015. godine, prije i nakon trudničkog tečaja u Domu zdravlja Osijek.
Rezultati: Nakon edukacije značajno je više ispitanika imalo vrlo pozitivan stav prema dojenju (p < 0,001) kao i s obzirom na spol (muškarci, p < 0,001), (žene, p < 0,001), dob (< 30 god., p < 0,001), (˃ 30 god., p = 0,003) te stručnu spremu (osnovno i srednje obrazovanje, p < 0,001), (viša i visoka stručna sprema, p < 0,001).
Zaključak: Trudnice i njihovi partneri imaju pozitivan stav prema dojenju. Nakon edukacije značajno je više ispitanika, bez obzira na spol, dob i stručnu spremu, imalo pozitivan i vrlo pozitivan stav prema dojenju. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The main objective was to determine the attitudes of pregnant women and their partners towards breast-feeding before and after the educational seminar according to their gender, age and level of education.
Participants and methods: The participants were pregnant women (N = 75) and their partners (N = 50). The questionnaire on demographic data and breast-feeding attitudes scale (Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale) was used as the research instrument. The research was conducted during the year 2015, before and after the educational seminar at the Public Health Care Centre in Osijek.
Results: After the educational seminar more participants showed a very positive attitude towards breast-feeding (p < 0.001), concerning their gender (male, p < 0.001), (female, p < 0.001), age (> 30 years, p = 0.003), (> 30 years, p < 0.001) and their level of education (primary and secondary education, p < 0.001), (university education, p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Pregnant women and their partners now have a positive attitude towards breast-feeding. After the educational seminars significantly more participants, regardless of gender, age, and educational level had positive and very positive attitudes towards breast-feeding. |