Abstract | Cilj: Ispitati postoji li povezanost između jednostranih bolesti nosa (upala, polipoze, invertnog papiloma) sa istostranom deformacijom nosne pregrade.
Nacrt studije: Ustroj studije je povijesno kohortno istraživanje.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici (110 ispitanika) su postavljeni u dvije skupine (ispitivana i kontrolna), a prikupljani su s Klinike za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata KBC Osijek tijekom tri godine od 1. siječnja 2017. do 1. siječnja 2020. godine. Od dijagnostičke obrade pacijentima se radi endoskopija nosa koju izvodi specijalist otorinolaringologije te radiološka dijagnostika koja uključuje RTG paranazalnih šupljina, CT i MR.
Rezultati: Od ukupno 110 ispitanika, 59,1 % su muškaraci, a 40,9 % žene. Kontrolnu skupinu čini 49 (44,5 %) ispitanika koji imaju medioponiranu nosnu pregradu, dok ispitivanu skupinu čini 27 (24,5 %) ispitanika s deformacijom nosne pregrade u desno, njih 31 (28,2 %) s deformacijom nosne pregrade u lijevo, jedan (0,9 %) ispitanik ima obostrano kriste septuma, a 2 (1,8 %) ispitanika kristu septuma u lijevo. Medijan dobi ispitanika kontrolne skupine je 51 godinu, u rasponu od 15 do 83 godine, a medijan ispitivane skupine 31 godinu, u rasponu od 16 do 61 godinu. Značajno su stariji ispitanici kontrolne skupine u odnosu na ispitivanu skupinu. Muškarci se znatno češće podvrgavaju zahvatima septoplastike i funkcionalne endoskopske sinusne kirurgije u odnosu na žene.
Zaključak: Deformirana nosna pregrada dovodi do poremećaja ventiliranja paranazalnih šupljina sto stvara podlogu za razvoj bolesti paranazalnih šupljina te se one manifestiraju znatno ranije nego li kod zdravih osoba s medioponiranom nosnom pregradom. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To examine whether there is a connection between unilateral nasal diseases (inflammation, polyposis, invert papilloma) with unilateral deformation of the nasal septum.
Study design: The structure of the study is historical cohort research.
Participants and methods: Patients (110 subjects) were placed in two groups (study and control), and were collected from the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Center Osijek for three years from 1 January 2017 to 1 January 2020. From the diagnostic treatment to patients, nasal endoscopy is performed by an otorhinolaryngology specialist and radiological diagnostics, which includes X-rays of the paranasal cavities, CT and MR.
Results: Out of a total of 110 patients, 59,1 % are men and 40,9 % are women. The control group consists of 49 (44,5 %) patients who have a medioposed nasal septum, while the study group consists of 27 (24,5 %) patients with nasal septal deformity to the right, 31 (28,2 %) with nasal septal deformation to the left , one (0,9 %) subject had bilateral septal crest, and 2 (1,8 %) subjects had septal crista on the left. The median age of the control group was 51 years, ranging from 15 to 83 years, and the median of the study group was 31 years, ranging from 16 to 61 years. Significantly older patients were in the control group compared to the study group. Men are significantly more likely to undergo septoplasty and functional endoscopic sinus surgery than women. In autumn and winter, the occurrence of the disease is more frequent, and significantly more in the examined group.
Conclusion: Deformed nasal septum leads to ventilation disorders of the paranasal cavities, which creates a basis for the development of diseases of the paranasal cavities, and they manifest much earlier than in healthy people with a medioposed nasal septum. |