Abstract | Ciljevi rada: Ciljevi rada bili su ispitati prevalenciju infekcije kirurške rane kod ispitanika te
ispitati povezanost dobi, spola, primijenjene antimikrobne profilakse, komorbiditeta, vrste
kardiokirurškog zahvata, indeksa tjelesne mase te preosjetljivosti na antibiotike s učestalošću
infekcije kirurške rane.
Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje obuhvaća 94 ispitanika podvrgnuta svim najčešćim vrstama
kardiokirurškog operativnog zahvata. Iz bolničkog informacijskog sustava uzeti su demografski
podatci ispitanika kao i svi drugi podatci korišteni u istraživanju.
Rezultati: Od osmero ispitanika s infekcijom rane jedan je imao infekciju kirurške rane na nozi,
a ostalih sedmero infekciju sternalne rane, odnosno prevalencija sternalne rane iznosi 7,4 %,
što je u skladu ili blago veći rezultat u usporedbi s relevantnom literaturom. Muški spol je bio
češći kod ispitanika kao i starija životna dob, što odgovara raspodijeli kardiovaskularnih bolesti
unutar populacije. Nije pronađena povezanost između infekcije kirurške rane i demografskih
podataka ispitanika, niti između infekcije rane i perioperativnih podataka, kao ni između
infekcije kirurške rane i komorbiditeta ispitanika. Svi ispitanici su primili jednaku profilaksu
cefazolinom. Nitko od ispitanika s anamnestičkim podatkom preosjetljivosti na lijekove nije
imao jasnu kontraindikaciju zbog koje ne bi primio cefazolin. Nađena je povezanost reumatskih
bolesti s povišenim upalnim parametrima ili infekcijom koja ne zahvaća ranu ili sekrecijom iz
rane, što se povezuje s terapijom koju ovi ispitanici uzimaju.
Zaključci: Prevalencija infekcije kirurške rane iznosila je 8,5 %, a dob, spol, izbor
antimikrobne profilakse, komorbiditeti, vrsta zahvata, indeks tjelesne mase te preosjetljivost na
antibiotike nisu povezani s učestalošću infekcije kirurške rane. |
Research objectives: The objectives of the research were to assess the prevalence of surgical
wound infection and to assess the association of age, gender, administered antimicrobial
prophylaxis, comorbidity, type of cardiac surgery, body mass index, and hypersensitivity to
antibiotics with the frequency of surgical wound infections.
Respondents and methods: The research included 94 participants who underwent the most
common types of cardiac surgery. The demographic data of the subjects, as well as all other
data used in the research, were taken from the hospital information system.
Results: Out of eight subjects with a wound infection, one had a surgical wound infection on
the leg, and the other seven had a sternal wound infections, i.e. the prevalence of sternal wound
was 7.4%, which is in line with or slightly higher than the relevant literature data. The male
gender was prevailing among the participants, as well as the older age, which corresponds to
the distribution of cardiovascular diseases within the population. No relationship was found
neither between surgical wound infection and demographic data of the respondents, nor
between wound infection and perioperative data, nor between surgical wound infection and
comorbidities. All the participants received the same standard prophylaxis with cefazolin. None
of the respondents with a history of drug hypersensitivity had a clear contraindication that
would prevent them from receiving cefazolin. Rheumatic diseases were found to be associated
with elevated inflammatory parameters or infection that does not affect the wound or secretion
from the wound, which is related to the therapy these participants were taking.
Conclusions: The prevalence of surgical wound infection was 8.5%, and age, gender, choice
of antimicrobial prophylaxis, comorbidities, type of procedure, body mass index and
hypersensitivity to antibiotics were not related to the frequency of surgical wound infection. |