Abstract | Ciljevi istraživanja: Analizirati karakteristike ispitanika s dijagnozom adrenalnoga incidentaloma dijagnosticiranoga od listopada 2016. do svibnja 2018. godine uključujući dob, spol, indeks tjelesne mase, hipertenziju, dislipidemiju, intoleranciju glukoze, dijabetes i metabolički sindrom. Analizirati laboratorijske i CT nalaze te usporediti s kontrolnima. Nacrt studije: Presječna studija s povijesnim podacima. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje su uključena 83 ispitanika iz odgovarajućega razdoblja. Podatci o ispitanicima dobiveni su iz dostupne medicinske dokumentacije Klinike za unutarnje bolesti KBC-a Osijek. Rezultati: Od ukupnoga broja ispitanika, 56 % je žena, a 94 % je nefunkcionalnih incidentaloma. Medijan dobi iznosi 62 godine. Subklinički Cushingov sindrom i primarni hiperaldosteronizam imalo je 2,4 % ispitanika, a 1,2 % je onih s Cushingovim sindromom. Metabolički je sindrom prisutan kod 74,7 % ispitanika, dijabetes kod 32,5 %, intolerancija glukoze kod 9,6 %, a dislipidemija kod njih 47 % . Ispitanici s funkcionalnim tumorom (njih 6 %) i oni koji su operirani (njih 9,6 %) imaju denzitet značajno veći od 10 HU ili su heterogene gustoće. Operirani ispitanici imali su značajno češće funkcionalne tumore koji su bili značajno veći od neoperiranih. Zaključak: Većina incidentaloma ne pokazuju hormonsku aktivnost; češći su kod žena i u starije populacije. Denzitet i veličina incidentaloma pokazali su se kao važan kriterij za određivanje hormonske aktivnosti tumora i potrebe za operacijom. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To investigate the characteristics of patients with adrenal incidentaloma being diagnosed from October 2016 to May 2018 including age, gender, body mass index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. To analyze the results obtained in the laboratory and by CT and compare them with the control results. Study design: A cross–sectional study with historical data. Participants and methods: The study included 83 patients in the corresponding period. Their data were obtained from the available medical documentation of the Clinic for Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Center Osijek. Results: Of the total number of patients, 56% were women and 94% were nonfunctional incidentalomas. The median age was 62 years. The subclinical Cushing's syndrome and primary hyperaldosteronism had 2.4% of the patients and 1.2% had Cushing's syndrome. The metabolic syndrome was present in 74.7% of the patients; 32.5% had diabetes, 9.6% had glucose intolerance and 47% of the patients had dyslipidemia. The patients with functional tumors (6%) and those who were operated (9.6%) had a density significantly greater than 10 HU or heterogeneous density. The operated subjects had significantly more frequent functional tumors that were significantly greater than untreated ones. Conclusion: Most incidentalomas do not show hormonal activity; they are more common in women and the elderly population. The density and size of incidentalomas have proven to be an important criterion for determining tumor hormone activity and necessity for surgery. |