Title Utjecaj deformacije septuma nosa na rezultate rinomanometrije
Title (english) Effects of deformation of nasal septum on anterior rhinomanometric measurements
Author Doris Topić
Mentor Draško Cikojević (mentor) MBZ: 228540
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2014, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Abstract Cilj istraživanja:
Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti povezanost određenog tipa devijacije septuma nosa s
mjerama prednje rinomanometrije. U interesu je odrediti koji tip devijacije septuma stvara
najveći otpor zraka u nosu.
Materijali i metode:
Istraživanje je organizirano kao opažajno ispitivanje parova. Uključeni su ispitanici s
devijacijom septuma koji su radili test prednje rinomanometrije, u usporedbi s kontrolnom
skupinom pojedinaca koji nemaju devijaciju septuma. Istraživanje je provedeno u
ambulantama Klinike za bolesti uha, nosa i grla s kirurgijom glave i vrata. Svi podaci su
prikupljeni na temelju anamneza, kliničkih pregleda i testova prednje rinomanometrije
ispitanika. Testovi su napravljeni u periodu od sedam mjeseci. Prikupljanje podataka i
testiranje je započelo u studenom 2013., a završeno u lipnju 2014. godine. Prikupljeni podaci
pokrivaju sljedeće čimbenike: dob, spol, ranije traume na području nosa i glave, ranije
operacije u području nosa i glave, tegobe koje mogu biti posljedica deformacije septuma,
pušačke navike, hrkanje, tip deformacije septuma, te sama rinomanometrijska mjernja prije i
nakon anemizacije.
Prikazan je odnos 118 ispitanika od kojih je 38 pripadnika kontrolne skupine a njih 80
ispitanici s deformacijom septuma nosa. Ispitanici su podijeljeni prema tipu deformacije
septuma na osam skupina. Skupina 0 su ljudi bez deformacije septuma, a skupine od 1 do 7 su
skupine ispitanika s istim tipom deformacije septum. Provođenjem ovog istraživanja uočila se
se statistički značajna razlika između prosječne vrijednosti koeficijenta otpora zraka između
ispitanika s deformacijom septuma i kontrolne skupine (p<1%). Prikazala se razlika u
rinomanometrijskim mjerenjima između različitih tipova deformacija septuma, ali statistički
značajna razlika nije potvrđena. Provođenjem anemizacije došlo je do statistički značajnog
smanjenjenja rinomanometrijskih vrijednosti u ispitanika s otežanom nosnom prohodnošću
(p=0.6639%). Potvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između rinomanometrijskih vrijednosti
između ispitanika koji su zadobili povredu nosa ili glave i ispitanika koji nisu imali nikakvih
povreda (p=0.0015%).
Osobe koje imaju deformaciju septuma nosa često imaju smetnje u disanju kroz nos.
Deformacija septuma nosa pruža veći otpor nosnom protoku, povećani otpor možemo mjeriti
rinomanometrijom. Iako se primjenom topičkih anestetika i dekongestiva može donekle
poboljšati nosni protok, mehanička opstrukcija ipak preostaje glavna prepreka kod normalnog
disanja kroz nos u osoba sa deformacijom septuma nosa.
Abstract (english) Objective:
The interest is to determine which type of deviation of the septum creates the greatest air
resistance in the nose. The study was organized as an observational trial experience. Subjects
that were included had a deformation of nasal septum. The subjects conducted an anterior
rhinomanometry test, which was later compared with a control group of individuals who do
not have a deformation of the septum. The study was conducted in the clinic for diseases of
the ear, nose and throat with head and neck surgery, University Hospital Center Split,. All
data were collected on the basis of history, clinical examination and tests anterior
rhinomanometry respondents. The tests were made over a period of seven months. Data
collection and testing began in November 2013th and finished in June of 2014th year. The
collected data cover the following factors: age, gender, previous trauma to the area of the nose
and head, earlier operations in the area of the nose and head, symptoms that may be due to
deformation of the septum, smoking habits, snoring, type of deformation of the septum, and
the very rinomanomety conducted before and after decongestion.
The study shows the relationship of 118 respondents, of which 38 members were in the
control group and 80 subjects had deformed nasal septum. Subjects were divided according to
the type of deformation of the septum into eight groups. Group 0 people without deformation
of the septum and groups of 1 to 7 which were the groups of patients with the same type of
deformation of the septum. By conducting this study observed a statistically significant
difference between the average value of the coefficient of air resistance among patients with
deformation of the septum and the control group (p <1%). The difference in rhinomanometry
measurements was shown between different types of septal deviation, but statistically
significant difference was not confirmed. By conducting decongestion there was a statistically
substantial reduction rhinomanometry values in subjects with impaired nasal pass ability (p =
0.6639%). A statistically significant difference was confirmed between rhinomanometry
values between patients who sustained violation of the nose or head, and respondents who had
no injuries (p = 0.0015%).
People who have deformed nasal septum often have disturbances in breathing through
the nose. Deformation of the nasal septum provides greater resistance to nasal flow;
increased resistance can be measured by rhinomanometry. Although the application of
topical anesthetic and decongestant may slightly improve nasal flow, mechanical
obstruction still remains a major obstacle for normal breathing through the nose in people
with deformed nasal septum.
Nosni septum
Bolesti nosa
Keywords (english)
Nasal Septum
Nose Diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:530035
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-03-09 08:59:45