Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti znanje, navike i stavove roditelja djece vrtićkog uzrasta o oralnom zdravlju njihove djece.
Materijali i metode: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 805 roditelja djece vrtićkog uzrasta iz različitih područja Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno korištenjem upitnika izrađenog i dijeljenog putem Googleovog obrasca. Upitnik je, osim demografskih podataka, sadržavao pitanja o stavovima roditelja o utjecaju određenih prehrambenih namirnica na oralno zdravlje djeteta, te stavovima roditelja o održavanju oralnog zdravlja djece.
Rezultati: 66,9% ispitanika smatra da je karijes bolest koja se ne može prenositi, te 66,3% ispitanika kuša hranu iz iste žlice kojom će nahraniti dijete. 37,31% djece jede slatkiše ili grickalice svaki dan. Samo su 4 roditelja (0,5%) znala koliko godina treba imati dijete prilikom prvog posjeta stomatologu, dok 46% roditelja smatra da dijete treba imati 4-6 godina prilikom prvog posjeta. Uočeno je da djeca koja imaju veći strah od stomatologa imaju i više karijesom zahvaćenih zuba (R = 0,172; P < 0,001) ili su prethodno doživjeli zubobolju (R = 0,187, P < 0,001) ili neku drugu vrstu traume u usnoj šupljini (R = 0,086; P < 0,001). 46,6% roditelja izjasnilo se da nisu dovoljno informirani o preventivnim mjerama za zaštitu oralnog zdravlja svog djeteta.
Zaključak: Roditelji jako malo znaju o utjecaju karijesogene prehrane i prehrambenih namirnica na oralno zdravlje svoje djece. Većina roditelja vrtićkog uzrasta na području Republike Hrvatske nema zadovoljavajuće znanje o preventivnim metodama za očuvanje oralnog zdravlja svoje djece. |
Abstract (english) | Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, habits and attitudes of parents of kindergarten children about the oral health of their children.
Materials and methods: 805 parents of children of kindergarten age from different parts of the Republic of Croatia participated in this research. The research was conducted using a questionnaire created and shared via a Google form. In addition to demographic data, the questionnaire contained questions about parents attitudes to the impact of certain foods on a child's oral health, and parents attitudes about maintaining children's oral health.
Results: 66.9% of respondents believe that caries is a disease that cannot be transmitted, and 66.3% of respondents taste food from the same spoon with which they will feed the child. 37.31% of children eat sweets or snacks every day. Only four parents (0.5%) knew how old the child should be at the first dentist visit, while 46% of parents believe that the child should be 4-6 years old at the first visit. It was observed that children who have a greater fear of dentists also have more caries-affected teeth (R = 0.172; P <0.001) or have previously experienced toothache (R = 0.187, P <0.001) or some other type of trauma in the oral cavity (R = 0.086; P <0.001). 46.6% of parents stated that they were not sufficiently informed about preventive measures to protect their child's oral health.
Conclusion: Parents have poor knowledge about the impact of cariogenic diets and foods on their children’s oral health. Most parents of children of kindergarten age in the Republic of Croatia do not have satisfactory knowledge about preventive methods for preserving the oral health of their children. |