Title Uloga toluidinskog testa u detekciji potencijalno malignih promjena na sluznici usne šupljine
Title (english) Role of the toluidine blue stain test in detecting potentially malignant changes in the oral mucosa
Author Katarina Lasan
Mentor Livia Cigić (mentor)
Committee member Lidia Gavić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Joško Božić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Tadin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine (Oral medicine and parodonthology) Split
Defense date and country 2021, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Medicine
Abstract Ciljevi:
Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti i analizirati korelaciju nalaza ambulantnog testa vitalnog bojanja toluidinskim modrilom i patohistološkog nalaza lezije oralne sluznice na Katedri za Oralnu medicinu i parodontologiju Medicinskog fakulteta te u ambulanti za oralnu medicinu Odjela za dentalnu medicinu Zavoda za maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju KBC-Split.
Materijali i metode:
U istraživanju je dobrovoljno sudjelovalo 30 ispitanika s patološkom promjenom na sluznici usne šupljine kojima je uzeta detaljna anamneza i napravljen klinički pregled od strane specijalista oralne medicine. Nakon kliničkog pregleda pristupilo se bojanju suspektne lezije sluznice usne šupljine toluidinskim modrilom i biopsiji lezije za patohistološku analizu.
Podaci su uneseni u proračunske tablice te je napravljena deskriptivna statistika.
Od ukupno 30 ispitanika, dijagnoza OLP-a je potvrđena u njih 10 ispitanika (33%), kao i dijagnoza leukoplakije. Aktinički cheilitis imalo je pet ispitanika (17%), dok je kod dva ispitanika (7%) potvrđen planocelularni karcinom. Pozitivan nalaz toluidinskog testa imalo je ukupno pet (17%) ispitanika. Svih pet patoloških lezija koje su imale pozitivan toluidinski test su bile odmah klinički suspektne na malignitet. U dva ispitanika (6,5%) patohistološkom analizom utvrđena je displazija epitela, dok je u također dva ispitanika (6,5%) utvrđen planocelularni karcinom. U jednog je ispitanika s OLP-om toluidinski test bio pozitivan, dok patohistološka analiza nije ukazala na postojanje displazije epitela.
Temeljem dobivenih rezultata može se potvrditi pozitivna korelacija ambulantnog testa vitalnog bojanja toluidinom i patohistološkog nalaza bioptirane suspektne lezije. Toluidinski test koristimo u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici oralnih lezija i ulceracija različitih etiologija prema zloćudnim promjenama u ustima. Prednosti ovog testa su sposobnost definiranja područja koja mogu biti zloćudna ili abnormalna. Vitalno bojenje pomaže u procjeni opsega potencijalno zloćudne lezije za eksciziju, naročito kada se radi o difuznim, velikim lezijama ili multilokularnim lezijama. Nažalost, ovaj test nije 100% specifičan. Iako nijedan od dodatnih dijagnostičkih testova ne može u potpunosti zamijeniti biopsiju tkiva i patohistološku analizu, toluidinski test se ipak pokazao kao vrijedan dodatni dijagnostički alat u slučaju potencijalno premalignih i malignih lezija usne šupljine.
Abstract (english) Objectives:
The main objective of the research was to establish and analyse the correlation between the findings of the ambulatory test of vital toluidine blue staining and the pathohistological findings of oral mucosal lesions at the Chair of Oral Medicine and Periodontology of the School of Medicine and at the outpatient clinic for oral medicine of the Division for Dental Medicine of the Department of Maxillo-facial Surgery of the University Hospital of Split.
Materials and methods:
The total of 30 patients with a pathological change in the oral mucosa participated in the research on a voluntary basis. Oral medicine specialists obtained a detailed medical history of the patients and performed a clinical examination. After the clinical examination, staining of a suspected lesion of the oral mucosa with toluidine blue and biopsy of the lesion for pathohistological analysis were performed.
The data were entered into spreadsheets and descriptive statistics was conducted.
Out of the total number of 30 respondents, the diagnosis of OLP, as well as the diagnosis of leukoplakia, were confirmed in 10 respondents (33%). A total of five respondents (17%) had cheilitis actinica, while squamous cell carcinoma was confirmed in two respondents (7%). A total of five respondents (17%) tested positive for toluidine blue stain. All five pathological lesions that tested positive for toluidine blue stain were immediately clinically suspected of malignancy. Epithelial dysplasia was detected in two respondents (6.5%) by means of pathohistological analysis, while squamous cell carcinoma was detected in two respondents (6.5%). The toluidine blue stain test was positive in one respondent with OLP, while pathohistological analysis did not indicate the presence of epithelial dysplasia.
Based on the obtained results, a positive correlation between the ambulatory test of vital toluidine blue staining and pathohistological finfing of the biopsied suspicious lesions can be confirmed. The toluidine blue stain test is used in the differential diagnosis of oral lesions and ulcerations of various etiologies according to malignant changes in the mouth. The advantages of this test are the ability to define areas that may be malignant or abnormal. Vital staining helps assess the extent of a potentially malignant lesion for excision, especially when it comes to diffuse, large lesions, or multilocular lesions. Unfortunately, this test is not 100% specific. Although none of the additional diagnostic tests can completely replace tissue biopsy and pathohistological analysis, the toluidine blue stain test has nevertheless proved to be a valuable additional diagnostic tool in the case of potentially premalignant and malignant oral lesions.
Sluznica usta
Prekancerozna stanja
Bojenje i označavanje
Tolonijev klorid
Keywords (english)
Mouth Mucosa
Precancerous Conditions
Staining and Labeling
Tolonium Chloride
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:405829
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-08 07:30:07