Abstract | Ciljevi: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti učestalost orofacijalnih i dentalnih ozljeda te znanje o hitnim terapijskim postupcima kod ozljede zuba u nogometaša.
Ispitanici i metode: Presječna studija provedena je na uzorku aktivnih nogometaša prve, druge, treće, četvrte i pete lige u Republici Hrvatskoj. Anketni upitnik sastojao se od četiri dijela (demografski podatci, znanje o hitnim terapijskim postupcima kod ozljede zuba, osobno iskustvo orofacijalnih i dentalni ozljeda, preventivne mjere uključujući uporabu štitnika za usta). Statistička analiza provedena je pomoću Student-T testa i ANOVA analizom uz Tukey post-hoc test. Razina značajnosti postavljena je na P < 0,05.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 393 ispitanika prosječne dobi 23,93 ± 5,03 godina. Prosječno znanje ispitanika bilo je loše s 2,8 ± 2,8 bodova (maksimum 14). Sto dvanaest (28,5 %) ispitanika nije točno odgovorilo ni na jedno pitanje, a svega njih pet (1,3 %) na 11 pitanja dalo je točan odgovor. Ispitanici s visokom stručnom spremom pokazuju statistički značajno veću razinu znanja u odnosu na ispitanike s višom stručnom spremom (4,0 ± 3,5 naspram 2,5 ± 2,6, P = 0,002). Među ispitivanom populacijom 18,6 % ispitanika doživjelo je traumu zuba te oni pokazuju statistički značajno (P = 0,022) višu razinu znanja (3,6 ± 2,9) u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu doživjeli traumu (2,7 ± 2,9). Samo 16,0 % ispitanika koristi štitnik za zube i to najčešće individualni (9,2 %).
Zaključci: Ispitivani nogometaši imaju neadekvatno znanje o hitnim terapijskim postupcima kod ozljede zuba te ne provode potrebne preventivne zaštitne mjere. Iz dobivenih se rezultata može zaključiti da je potrebna dodatna edukacija nogometaša u svrhu prevencije ozljeda zuba kako bi se poduzeli ispravni postupci prilikom hitnog zbrinjavanja istih. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The study aimed to assess the incidence of dental and orofacial injuries and knowledge about emergency therapeutic procedures for dental injuries in football players.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of active football players of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth football leagues in Croatia. The questionnaire consisted of four parts (demographic data, knowledge regarding urgent therapeutic procedures in case of dental injury, self-reported experience of orofacial and dental injuries and preventive measures, including the use of mouthguards). Statistical analysis was performed using the Student T-test and ANOVA analysis with Turkey posthoc test. The level of significance is set at P<0.05.
Results: 393 subjects with an average age of 23.93±5.03 participated in the study. Football players have shown poor knowledge with 2.8±2.8 points (maximum 14). One hundred and twelve respondents (28.5%) did not answer any of the questions correctly, and only five (1.3%) gave the correct answer to 11 questions. The respondents with a master's degree education show a statistically significantly higher level of knowledge than those with a bachelor's degree (4.0±3.5 versus 2.5±2.6, P=0.002). In addition, those respondents who experienced dental injuries (18.6%) demonstrated a statistically significantly (P=0.022) higher level of knowledge (3.6±2.9) compared to those who had not (2.7±2.9). Only 16.0% of the respondents use mouthguards, most often individual ones.
Conclusion: The football players included in this study showed inadequate knowledge regarding urgent therapeutic procedures in case of dental injury and did not take the necessary preventive measures. Therefore, from the obtained results, it is evident that additional education for football players is needed to prevent dental injuries and take proper procedures when urgently taking care of them. |