Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati je li težina upale potpornih tkiva zuba
čimbenik rizika za razvoj blagog kognitivnog poremećaja kod osoba s neliječenim parodontitisom.
Materijali i metode: U istraživanje su uključena 23 ispitanika, 12 muškog i 11 ženskog spola, u
dobi od 26 do 60 godina. Od svih ispitanika zatražen je informirani pristanak, te su zabilježeni
anamnestički podatci i oralno-higijenske navike. Napravljen je detaljan parodontološki status. Svi
ispitanici podvrgnuti su neuropsihologijskoj obradi.
Rezultati: Svi ispitanici imali su generalizirani oblik parodontitisa, a većina ih je dijagnosticirana
sa stadijem III. Visoki indeks krvarenja pri sondiranju (BoP) i PISA indeks govore u prilog velikoj
upali u organizmu ispitanika. Gotovo svi su bili srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Medijan godina
školovanja bio je 12,00 (IQR 11,00-15,00), a medijan broja zubi 26,00 (IQR 22,00-29,00). Oralnohigijenske navike većine ispitanika nisu bile zadovoljavajuće, što se dokazalo visokim plak
indeksom, a njih 10 je navelo da svakodnevno puši duhanske proizvode. Od ispitanih kognitivnih
funkcija, radna memorija u slušnom obliku (Digit Span: medijan=6,00; IQR=5,00-7,00 i Digit
Span Reverse test: medijan=4,00; IQR=4,00-5,00) je statistički značajno lošija u odnosnu na
referentne vrijednosti zdrave europske populacije, kao i mentalna fleksibilnost i psihomotorička
brzina ispitane testom Zamjene slova brojevima (medijan=36,00; IQR=27,00-41,00). Linearnom
regresijskom analizom pokazano je da težina upale potpornih tkiva zuba određena PISA indeksom
nije bila prediktor MCI-ja, ali su se dob i razina obrazovanja pokazali statistički značajni prediktori
MCI-ja u osoba s neliječenim parodontitisom.
Zaključak: Starija životna dob i niža razina obrazovanja pokazali su se čimbenicima rizika za
blagi kognitivni poremećaj kod osoba s neliječenim parodontitisom |
Abstract (english) | Research objective: The aim of this research was to examine whether the severity of inflammation
of the supporting tissues of the teeth is a risk factor for the development of mild cognitive
impairment in people with untreated periodontitis.
Materials and methods: 23 participants, 12 male and 11 female, aged 26 to 60, were included in
the research. Informed consent was requested from all participants and anamnestic data as well as
oral hygiene habits were recorded. A detailed periodontal status was determined. All of the
participants underwent neuropsychological treatment.
Results: Everyone had a generalized form of periodontitis, and most of them were diagnosed with
stage III. A high index of bleeding on probing (BoP) and the PISA index speak in favor of a large
inflammation in the examinee's organism. Almost all of them had a high school education. The
median number of years of education was 12.00 (IQR 11.00-15.00), and the median number of
teeth was 26.00 (IQR 22.00-29.00). The oral hygiene habits of the majority of respondents were
not satisfactory, which was proven by a high plaque index, and 10 of them stated that they smoke
tobacco products every day. Of the tested cognitive functions, working memory in auditory form
(Digit Span: median=6.00; IQR=5.00-7.00 and Digit Span Reverse test: median=4.00; IQR=4.00-
5.00 ) is statistically significantly worse in relation to the reference values of the healthy European
population, as well as mental flexibility and psychomotor speed tested with the Symbol Digit
Substitution Test (median=36.00; IQR=27.00-41.00). Linear regression analysis showed that the
severity of inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth, determined by the PISA index, was
not a predictor of MCI, but age and level of education proved to be statistically significant
predictors of MCI in people with untreated periodontitis.
Conclusion: Older age and lower level of education proved to be risk factors for mild cognitive
impairment in people with untreated periodontitis. |