Title Učestalost beta talasemije minor i mutacije beta globinskog gena u srednjoj Dalmaciji
Title (english) Frequency of beta thalassemia minor and beta globin gene mutations in central Dalmatia
Author Vučak Jerko VIAF: 48158628373122922696
Mentor Ernest Bilić (mentor)
Committee member Bernarda Lozić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Stepan Giljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adela Arapović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2024-05-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Human Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract Talasemije su nasljedni kvantitativni poremećaji sinteze globina. Ovisno koja je vrsta globinskih lanaca
u deficitu razlikujemo alfa i beta talasemije. Gen za sintezu beta globinskog lanca je kodiran na 11.
kromosomu. Do sada je otkriveno više od 300 mutacija na beta globinskom genu koje su odgovorne za
različite kliničke prezentacije beta talasemije. Beta talasemija minor obično nema kliničke znakove
bolesti već se očituje biljezima u crvenoj krvnoj slici (sniženi MCV i MCH). Do sada je slabo poznata
prevalencija beta talasemije minor u Hrvatskoj. U ovom smo radu proveli istraživanje prevalencije beta
talasemije minor u populaciji dobrovoljnih davatelja krvi s područja Srednje Dalmacije. Početna skupina
ispitanika je brojala 3000 dobrovoljnih davatelja krvi iz Šibensko – kninske i Splitsko – dalmatinske
županije kojima je iz uzorka krvi učinjena kompletna krvna slika. Svima koji su imali MCV manji od 78
fL (145 ispitanika) je učinjena elekroforeza hemoglobina te je svima kojima je HbA2 bio veći od 3,7%
je postavljena dijagnoza beta talasemije minor. Takvih ispitanika je bilo 5 (0,16%). Kod 3 ispitanika
(0,1%) je nađena varijanta hemoglobin Lepore. U drugom dijelu istraživanja je kod 14 ispitanika s beta
talasemijom sa istog područja Srednje Dalmacije učinjena genska analiza beta globinskog gena. Ovim
istraživanjem je nađeno 20 varijanti beta globinskog gena, od kojih 7 do sada nisu opisane u literaturi.
Nađene mutacije u naših ispitanika su uspoređene s do sada opisanim mutacijama u susjednim
zemljama, mediteranskom bazenu te drugdje u svijetu. Neke od mutacija su se poklapale s onima u
susjednim zemljama, a neke su iznenađujuće bile identične mutacijama u geografski vrlo udaljenim
područjima (Indija, Bangladeš, Iran). Sve mutacije nađene u ovom istraživanju su imale blagu kliničku
sliku beta talasemije. U zaključku, ovo istraživanje je donijelo prve spoznaje o genskoj podlozi beta
talasemije u jednoj hrvatskoj populaciji i može predstavljati poticaj za daljnja istraživanja ove bolesti u
Hrvatskoj i zemljama u regiji.
Abstract (english) The thalassemias are hereditary quantitative disorders of globin synthesis. Depending on the type of
globin chains in deficiency we distinguish alpha and beta thalassemias. The gene responsible for the
synthesis of beta-globin chain is coded on the 11th chromosome. So far, over 200 beta-globin gene
mutations responsible for different clinical presentations of beta thalassemia have been discovered. Beta
thalassemia minor doesn’t usually include clinical signs of an illness but manifests in red blood cell
count (lower MCV and MCH). So far we haven’t been well informed of the prevalence of beta
thalassemia minor in Croatia. In this scientific paper we conducted the research of beta thalassemia
minor among blood donor population from Central Dalmatia. The initial group of research subjects
consisted of 3,000 blood donors from Šibenik-Knin and Split-Dalmatia counties who had a
comprehensive blood test done with their blood samples. Every subject whose MCV was under 78 fL
(145 subjects) had hemoglobin electrophoresis and every subject with HbA2 over 3.7% was diagnosed
with beta thalassemia minor. There were 5 subjects (0.16% subjects) in total with this diagnosis. Three
subjects (0.1%) had Hb Lepore variant. During the second part of research 14 subjects diagnosed with
beta thalassemia, inhabiting the same area of Central Dalmatia, had beta-globin gene analysis. This
research discovered 20 variations in beta-globin gene, of which 7 haven’t yet been described in
literature. Mutations found in our subjects were compared to previously described mutations in
neighbouring countries, the Mediterranean Basin and other countries in the world. Some of the
mutations matched the mutations in neighbouring countries, but some were surprisingly identical to the
mutations in remote areas (India, Bangladesh, Iran). All of the mutations discovered in this research had
a mild clinical picture of beta thalassemia. In conclusion, this research led to the first insight into the
genetic background of beta thalassemia among a part of Croatian population and could encourage
further research of this illness in Croatia and other countries from this region.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:664913
Study programme Title: Obtaining a doctorate of science outside of doctoral studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-06-27 08:04:27