Abstract | Ciljevi istraživanja: Odrediti vrstu tjelesnih i psihijatrijskih komorbiditeta u adolescenata sporemećajima jedenja, odrediti razlike u komorbiditetima između Anoreksije Nervoze i Bulimije Nervoze, te istražiti je li pojavnost poremećaja jedenja različita u ranoj i kasnoj adolescenciji.
Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 40 adolescenata (39 djevojčica i 1 dječak) u dobi od 10 do 18 godina života oboljelih od poremećaja jedenja koji su liječeni na Klinici za psihijatriju, Odjelu za dječju i adolescentnu psihijatriju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. Podaci su se uzimali retrospektivno, a za bilježenje podataka se koristi upitnik koji smo sastavili za potrebe istraživanja.
Rezultati: Većina adolescenata bila je ženskog spola (97,5%), a 2,5% muškog spola. Nije bilo razlike u pojavnosti poremećaja jedenja između rane i kasne adolescencije, dok je medijan pojavljivanja AN-e bio 14 godina, a BN-e 15 godina. 62,5% adolescenta imalo je narušene obiteljske odnose, te je pronađen pozitivan psihijatrijski hereditet u 65% adolescenata. Statistički značajno ranije dolazimo do dijagnoze AN-e, u odnosu na BN-e (P=0,010). Statistički značajno učestalije je povraćanje kod BN-e u odnosu na AN-u ( P<0,001). Osim povraćanja, u gastrointestinalnim komplikacijama statistički značajniji je gastritis u adolescenata s BN-om nego AN-om (P=0,032). Kod AN-e statistički značajnija je komplikacija amenoreja (P=0,005), te hipovitaminoza D i osteopenija u odnosu na BN-u (P=0,022).Samoozljeđivanje je bilo učestalije u BN-e nego u AN-e (P=0,017).
Zaključci: Ovo istraživanje je potvrdilo postojanje tjelesnih i psihijatrijskih komorbiditeta u adolescenata s poremećajem jedenja, te važnost rane dijagnostike i brzog i multidisciplinarnog liječenja. Također, istraživanje je potvrdilo pozitivnu korelaciju između socio-demografskih čimbenika i poremećaja jedenja. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To determine the type of physical and psychiatric comorbidities in adolescents with eating disorders, to determine the differences in comorbidities between Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa, and to investigate whether the incidence of eating disorders is different in early and late adolescence.
Materials and methods: 40 adolescents (39 girls and 1 boy) between the ages of 10 and 18, suffering from eating disorders, who were treated at the Clinic for Psychiatry, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Clinical Hospital Center Split, participated in the research. The data were collected retrospectively, and the questionnaire that we compiled for the purposes of the research is used to record the data.
Results: The majority of adolescents were female (97.5%), and 2.5% were male. There was no difference in the occurrence of eating disorders between early and late adolescence, while the median occurrence of AN was 14 years and BN was 15 years. 62.5% of adolescents had broken family relationships, and positive psychiatric heredity was found in 65% of adolescents. Statistically significantly earlier we arrive at the diagnosis of AN, compared to BN (P=0.010).Vomiting is statistically significantly more frequent in BN compared to AN (P<0.001). Apart from vomiting, gastritis is statistically more significant in gastrointestinal complications in adolescents with BN than AN (P=0.032). In AN, the complication of amenorrhea (P=0.005), as well as hypovitaminosis D and osteopenia is statistically more significant compared to BN(P=0.022). Self-injury was more frequent in BNs than in ANs (P=0.017).
Conclusions: This research confirmed the existence of physical and psychiatric comorbidities in adolescents with eating disorders, and the importance of early diagnosis and rapid and multidisciplinary treatment. Also, the research confirmed a positive correlation between socio-demographic factors and eating disorders. |