Title Percepcije studenata o kulturološkim kompetencijama i njihovoj važnosti u medicinskoj/dentalnoj/farmakološkoj edukaciji
Title (english) Students perceptions of competencies in (cultural) diversity and their importance in medical/dental/pharmacological education
Author Laura Moro
Mentor Sandra Kostić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Medvedec Mikić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tea Galić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Galić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Medical Ethics
Abstract Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati stavove i percepciju o kompetencijama kulturološke različitosti kod studenata viših godina Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu te dobiti uvid o njihovoj percepciji o zastupljenosti edukacije o kulturološkim različitostima i interese studenata za tu vrstu edukacije.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici koji su sudjelovali u ovom istraživanju su studenti treće, četvrte, pete i šeste godine Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu u akademskoj godini 2023./2024. Stavovi i percepcije o kompetencijama kulturološke različitosti kod studenata ispitani su korištenjem anonimnog upitnika koji se sastojo od tri dijela. U prvom dijelu traženi su sociodemografski podaci, a u drugom dijelu su se ispitivali stavovi studenata o njihovoj edukaciji u kontekstu kulturološke raznolikosti, gdje su studenti odabrali između DA/NE odgovora. Treći dio je podijeljen u tri kategorije a to su: izazovi komunikacije u socio-kulturološkim situacijama; susretanje s pacijentima različitih kulturoloških skupina; te vještine povezane s kompetencijom kulturološke raznolikosti. Odgovori su bili ponuđeni u obliku Likertove skale (1=nimalo; 2 = ne baš; 3= donekle; 4 = prilično; 5 = vrlo; 0 = ne mogu procijeniti).
Rezultati: : U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 316 studenata studija, Dentalne medicine, Medicine Farmacije i Medicine na engleskom jeziku.. Njih 196 ili 62% smatra važnim da se u sklopu medicinskog / stomatološkog /farmaceutskog obrazovanja uči o kulturološkoj raznolikosti, u najvećem postotku su to studenti medicine na engleskom jeziku, a samo 41% ispitanih studenata smatra da ih njihovo obrazovanje adekvatno priprema na razumijevanje i poštovanje kulturološko različitih ljudi, i/ili njihovih izazova u postizanju dobre zdravstvene skrbi /oralne njege. Skoro svi studenti (95%) smatraju da su volontiranje i suosjećanje važne osobine dobrog doktora /stomatologa / farmaceuta, ali iznimno mali postotak njih volontira
(13%). Dvije trećine studenata se osjeća ugodno skrbiti za kulturološki različite pacijente .Većina ispitanih studenata ne nailazi na komunikacijske barijere i može uspostaviti dobar odnos sa pacijentom, ali je broj takvih studenata značajno manji na studiju medicine na engleskom.
Zaključak: Postoji određena svijest o važnosti kulturološke kompetencije među studentima Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu, no ta svijest može biti i veća. Nadalje, studenti smatraju ih se u sklopu njihovog obrazovanja nedovoljno educira o kompetencijama kulturoloških različitosti, te da je ova vrsta edukacije vrlo važna. Naše istraživanje pokazuje da studenti preferiraju više interaktivni tip edukacije,. Mjere koje bi bile korisne za poboljšanje kompetencije mogli bi biti programi poput međunarodne studentske razmjene o kojima bi studenti mogli dobiti više informacija na našem fakultetu. Bilo bi korisno i više potaknuti studente za sudjelovanje u volonterskim udrugama. Studenti viših godina se očekivano bolje snalaze u ostvarivanju interakcije sa pacijentima, a studenti medicine na engleskom teže ostvaruju dobru komunikaciju.
Abstract (english) Objectives: The aim of this research was to examine the attitudes and perceptions of cultural competence among senior students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Split and to gain insight into their perception of the representation of education on cultural diversity and the 'sstudent's interest in this type of education.
Respondents and methods: The respondents who participated in this research are students of the Faculty of Medicine in Split in the academic year 2023/2024. Attitudes and perceptions about cultural competence among students were examined using an anonymous questionnaire divided into three parts. The first part collected sociodemographic data, while the second part examined students' attitudes towards their education in the context of cultural diversity, where students chose between YES/NO answers. The third part was divided into three categories: c communication challenges in socio-cultural situations encounters with patients from different cultural groups, and skills related to cultural competence. The responses were provided as a Likert scale (1=not at all; 2=not much; 3=somewhat; 4=quite a bit; 5=very much; 0=unable to assess).
Results: 316 students from the studies of Dental Medicine, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Medicine in English at the Faculty of Medicine in Split participated in the research. Out of the total number of students, 196 or 62.0% consider it necessary andessential to learn about cultural diversity as part of their medical/dental/pharmaceutical education, with the highest percentage being students of Medicine in English. However, only 41% of the surveyed students believe their education adequately prepares them to understand and respect culturally diverse people and/or their challenges in achieving good healthcare/oral care. Almost all students (95%) believe that volunteering and compassion are essentialtinyessential attributes of a good doctor/dentist/pharmacist, but a very small percentage volunteer (13%). Two-thirds of students feel comfortable caring for culturally diverse patients. Most of the surveyed students do not encounter communication barriers and can establish a good relationship with the patient, but the number of such students is significantly lower among those studying Medicine in English.
Conclusion: There is a particular specific awareness of the importance of cultural competence among the students of the Faculty of Medicine in Split, but this awareness could be more significant. Furthermore, students believe that their education does not adequately cover cultural competence and that this type of education is critical. Our research shows that students prefer a more interactive kind of education, such as problem-based exercises, interactive videos, texts, and multimedia, rather than traditional lectures. Measures that could improve competence include programs like international student exchanges, about which students could receive more information from our faculty. It would also be helpto encourage studentsto participate in volunteer organizations. As expected, senior students are better at interacting with patients, while medical students who study in English find it more challenging to achieve good communication.
kulturološka kompetencija
kompetencija različitosti
edukacija o kulturološkim kompetencijama
zdravstvena nejednakost
komunikacijske vještine
Keywords (english)
cultural competence
diversity competence
education on cultural competence
health disparity
communication skills
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:783699
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-24 15:17:29