Cilj ovog kliničkog ispitivanja je istražiti uzročno-posljedičnu povezanost globus
pharyngeusa i LPR-a, globus pharyngeusa i poremećaja funkcije i volumena štitne žlijezde te
usporediti dobivene rezultate.
Studija je organizirana kao presječno prospektivno istraživanje.
Istraživanje je provedeno u Klinici za bolesti uha, grla i nosa s kirurgijom glave i vrata i
Zavodu za nuklearnu medicinu Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split u gradu Splitu, u razdoblju
od 1. listopada 2010. do 1. listopada 2011. godine.
Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen 31 ispitanik koji je zbog simptoma globus pharyngeusa upućen
od liječnika obiteljske medicine na specijalistički pregled u smislu obrade funkcije i
morfologije štitne žlijezde u Zavod za nuklearnu medicinu KBC Split, od 1. listopada 2010.
do 1. listopada 2011. godine.
Glavna mjera ishoda u ovom istraživanju je RFS (engl.- Reflux finding score) > 7 dobiven
direktnom laringoskopijom kao znak laringofaringealnoga refluksa. Istražila sam je li
laringofaringealni refluks povezan sa simptomom globus pharyngeusa čija se ozbiljnost
procijenila brojčano kroz GETS (engl.- Glasgow Edinburgh Throat Scale). Mjerenjem koncentracije TSH u perifernoj krvi i određivanjem volumena štitnjače, istražili smo postoji li
povezanost globus pharyngeusa s poremećajem funkcije i volumena štitne žlijezde.
U istraživanje je uključen 31 pacijent. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika njih 29 (93,5%) bile su
žene, a 2 (6,5%) muškarci.
Ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između izraženosti simptoma globus pharyngeusa
i koncentracije TSH (r=0,001, P=0,998), niti između izraženosti simptoma globus
pharyngeusa i volumena štitnjače (r=0,052, P=0,779).
Također, ne postoji statistička povezanost između izraženosti simptoma globus pharyngeusa i
laringofaringealnoga refluksa (r=--0,024, P=0,897).
Stupanj poremećaja funkcije i volumena štitnjače kao ni stupanj izraženosti simptoma
laringofaringealnoga refluksa ne utječe na ozbiljnost simptoma globus pharyngeusa. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVE:
The goal of this clinical testing is to explore the cause and effect connection of globus
pharyngeus and LPR, globus pharyngeus and the disorder of function and volume of the
thyroid and to compare the results.
The study is organized as a prospective cross sectional research.
The research took place in the Clinic for diseases of the ear, throat and nose, surgery of the
head and neck, in the Institute of nuclear medicine Split. It took place between October 1st
2010 until October 1st 2011.
A total of 31 patients with symptoms of globus pharyngeus were sent to be examined by a
specialist in the sense of processing the function and morphology of the thyroid in the
Institute of nuclear medicine KBC Split, between October 1st 2010 until October 1st 2011.
It is the RFS (Reflux finding score) which is >7. It is the outcome of a direct laryngoscopy of
the laryngopharyngeal reflux. I researched if the reflux is connected with the symptoms of
globus pharyngeus. The severity is measured numerically with GETS (Glasgow Edinburgh
Throat Scale). By measuring the concentration of TSH in the peripheral blood and
determining the volume of the thyroid, we researched if there is a connection between the
globus pharyngeus with the disorder of the function and volume of the thyroid.
The research included 31 patients. 29 (93, 5%) were female and 2 (6,5%) were male.
There is no statistically relevant connection between the symptoms of globus pharyngeus and
the concentration of TSH (r= 0.001, P= 0.998), or the symptoms and volume of the thyroid
(r=0.052, P=0.779).
Also, there is no statistical connection between the symptoms of the globus pharyngeus and
the laryngopharyngeal reflux.
The degree of disorder of function and volume of the thyroid or the degree of symptoms of
the laryngopharyngeal reflux doesn’t affect the severity of the symptoms of the globus
pharyngeus. |