Abstract | Cilj: Radiološka procjena razvoja trećih kutnjaka je dostupna metoda u živih pojedinaca za procjenu kronološke dobi, posebno u kasnoj adolescenciji. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti primjenu Cameriereovog indeksa razvoja trećeg kutnjaka (I3M) kako bi odredili je li osoba starija od 18 godina (punoljetna osoba) ili mlađa od 18 godina (maloljetnik).
Materijali i metode: Uzorak se sastojao od 500 nasumično odabranih ortopantomografskih snimki pojedinaca starosti između 14 i 23 godine. I3M je procijenjen na trećim kutnjacima s lijeve strane donje čeljusti. Unutar-istraživačka i među-istraživačka ponovljivost su testirani koeficijentima usklađenosti korelacije na 50 nasumično odabranih snimaka. Specifčna granična vrijednost I3M<0,08 ispitana je kako bi se osobe proglasile punoljetnima, odnosno maloljetnima. Za testiranje izvedbe određene granične vrijednosti upotrijebljene su dvije tablice. Vrijednosti osjetljivosti (Se), specifičnosti (Sp), pozitivnih i negativnih prediktivnih vrijednosti, pozitivnih i negativnih omjera vjerojatnosti i Bayesove probne vjerojatnosti procjenjivane su za svaki spol.
Rezultati: Za muškarce, specifičnost (Sp) i osjetljivost (Se) bile su 92,5% i 90,2%. Pozitivna i negativna prediktivna vrijednost bile su 95,2% i 85,1%, dok su LR + i LR- bile 12,020 i 0,106. U žena, rezultati Sp i Se su bili 96,2%, odnosno 85,3%. Pozitivna i negativna prediktivna vrijednost bile su 96,4% i 84,7%, dok su LR + i LR- bile 22,508 i 0,153. Vjerojatnosti pravilno klasificirane osobe kao punoljetne bile su 91,0% i 90,3%, a Bayesova vjerojatnost nakon testa bila je 94,0% i 96,8% u muškaraca i žena.
Zaključak: Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da specifična granična vrijednost I3M<0,08 može biti korisna dodatna pouzdana metoda za procjenu dobi odraslih ispitanika. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: Radiological examination of the third molar is an available method for estimation of chronological age in live individuals, especially during the late adolescence period. The aim of this study was to assess the application of Cameriere’s third molar maturity index (I3M) to determine whether an individual is 18 years or older (adult) or younger than 18 years (minor).
Material and methods: The sample consisted of randomly selected panoramic images of 500 individuals aged between 14 and 23 years old. I3M was evaluated on the third molars from the left side of the mandible. Intra-rater and inter-rater agreement were tested by concordance correlation coefficients on the 50 randomly selected radiographs. A specific cut-off value of I3M<0.08 was tested to discriminate individuals as adult or minor. Two-by-two contingency tables were used to test the performance of the specific cut-off value. The sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios and Bayes post-test probability were evaluated for each sex.
Results: For males, the specificity (Sp) and sensitivity (Se) results were 92.5% and 90.2%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 95.2% and 85.1% while LR+ and LR- were 12.020 and 0.106, respectively. The results for Sp and Se for females were 96.2% and 85.3%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 96.4% and 84.7% while LR+ and LR- were 22.508 and 0.153, respectively. The probabilities for correct classification individuals as majors or minors were 91.0% and 90.3%, whereas probabilities derived from Bayes post-test were 94.0% and 96.8% for males and females, respectively.
Conclusion: Obtained results showed that specific cut-off I3M<0.08 may be a useful and reliable additional method for adult age assessment. |