Abstract | Cilj: U današnje vrijeme sport i sportska aktivnost je važna sastavnica čovjekove svakodnevice. Zahvaljujući porastu popularnosti i sve učestalijem bavljenju sportom, osobito u djece i mladih, povećala se i učestalost ozljeda. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti stavove i znanja sportskih trenera o dentalnim ozljedama, o postupcima hitnog zbrinjavanja te o njihovoj prevenciji.
Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 437 sportskih trenera iz tri različita sporta – vaterpolo, rukomet i karate. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom stručnih seminara za trenere, a korišten je upitnik o sportskim dentalnim ozljedama, postupcima hitnog zbrinjavanja takvih ozljeda i o njihovoj prevenciji.
Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 437 ispitanika, trenera u tri različita sporta – vaterpolo (n=51), rukomet (n=262) i karate (n=124), od čega je bilo 328 (75,1%) muškaraca i 109 (24,9%) žena. Prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 40,2±11,7 godina, a prosječno vrijeme trenerskog staža bilo je 12,1±9,5 godina. Tijekom svog trenerskog staža, 383 (87,6%) trenera vidjelo je ozljedu zuba ili lica. Među svim ispitanicima njih 24,7% znalo je što je avulzija zuba, 31,4% trenera znalo je da postoji sredstvo za čuvanje izbijenog zuba dok bi 68,2% trenera izbijeni zub zamotalo u maramicu do odlaska doktoru dentalne medicine. Korištenje dentalnog štitnika svojim sportašima preporučuje 341 (78%) trener.
Zaključak: Temeljem rezultata ovog istraživanja zaključeno je da sportski treneri vaterpola, rukometa i karatea nemaju dovoljno znanja o dentalnim traumama, postupcima hitnog zbrinjavanja te o njihovoj prevenciji tijekom sportske aktivnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: Sports activity is an important segment of everyday life. Growing popularity and frequency of sports activities in children and adolescents nowdays, increase the occurence of sports-related dental injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes about dental trauma and the emergency procedures in sports coaches, as well as their attitudes about the prevention of dental trauma.
Materials and methods: A total of 437 sports coaches from three different sports (water polo, handball, karate) participated in the study. The study was conducted during the licence renewal seminars using the questionnaire about sports-related dental trauma, emergency procedures and dental trauma prevention.
Results: There were 437 subjects involved in the study, coaches in three different sports – water polo (n=51), handball (n=262) and karate (n=124). There were 328 (75.1%) men and 109 (24.9%) women with the average age of 40.2±11.7 years and the average coaching experience of 12.1±9.5 years. During their coaching experience 383 (87.6%) coaches witnessed dental or facial injury. Only 24.7% coaches knew what the tooth avulsion was, 31.4% of them were aware of the tooth rescue box, while 68.2% coaches would place the avulsed tooth in a dry wipe until the professional dental procedure. Dental mouthguards were recommended to the athletes by 341 (78%) coaches.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this research, it was suggested that water polo, handball and karate sports coaches do not have enough knowledge about dental trauma, emergency care procedures and dental trauma prevention during sports activities. |