Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi najčešće vrste dermatofita izolirane u laboratoriju za dijagnostiku gljivičnih infekcija Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo Splitsko-dalmatinske županije u desetogodišnjem periodu, od 2008. do 2017. godine, te ispitati da li postoji razlika u učestalosti dermatofitoza među spolovima, prema lokalizaciji infekcije i dobi bolesnika.
Materijali i metode: U ovom retrospektivnom istraživanu korišteni su podatci arhive Službe za kliničku mikrobiologiju u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2008. do 31. prosinca 2017. godine. Analizirani su podatci o gljivičnim sojevima izoliranim iz 8988 uzoraka. Ispitana je povezanost spola s učestalošću dermatofitoza i vrste uzročnika s lokalizacijom infekcije i dobi bolesnika. Pri utvrđivanju zastupljenosti spolova u istraživanju korišten je hi kvadrat test na razini značajnosti p<0,05.
Rezultati: U ispitivanom razdoblju među ukupnim gljivičnim izolatima, dermatofiti su bili najčešće izolirani (70,83%). Iako je analizirano više uzoraka bolesnika ženskog spola, broj izolata pozitivnih na dermatofite je bio gotovo jednak (49,13% u muškaraca i 50,87% u žena). U promatranom periodu najčešće izolirani dermatofit bio je Microsporum canis (43,90%), a slijede ga Trichophyton rubrum (24,32%) i Trichophyton mentagrophytes (15,50%). Iz uzoraka vlasišta (93,87%) i kože (39,75%) najčešće je izoliran Microsporum canis dok je Trichophyton rubrum najčešći uzročnik infekcija noktiju (50,54%). Dermatofiti su u najvećem broju (34,88%) izolirani u djece u dobi do deset godina, a Microsporum canis je bio najčešći izolat u djece između šest i deset godina. Učestalost onihomikoza raste s dobi te je najviše pozitivnih izolata u dobi od pedeset do šezdeset godina (24,73%).
Zaključak: Analizom svih izolata u ispitivanom razdoblju ustanovljeno je da su dermatofiti i dalje najčešći uzročnici gljivičnih infekcija kože, vlasišta i noktiju, a najčešće vrste dermatofita na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije su redom Microsporum canis, Trichophyton rubrum i Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Nije pronađena značajna razlika u učestalosti dermatofitoza među spolovima. Microsporum canis je najčešći izolat u infekcijama koje zahvaćaju kosu i vlasište, a infekcije vlasišta su najčešće u dječjoj dobi. Učestalost gljivičnih infekcija noktiju raste s dobi te je najčešća u dobi između pedeset i šezdeset godina. |
Abstract (english) | Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to identify the most common types of isolated dermatophytes in the Laboratory for Fungal Infectious Disease of the Public Health Institute of the Split-Dalmatia County and to examine whether there is a difference in the frequency of dermatophytoses among genders or according to the localization of the infection and the age of the patient. The study included for the ten year period from 2008 to 2017.
Patients and methods: In this retrospective study the data of the Department of Clinical Microbiology were used in the period from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2017. Data on fungal strains isolated from 8988 samples were analysed. Fungal strains were analysed according to lozalisation of the infection, age and patients gender. In the determination of gender representation, a squared test at p <0.05 was used.
Results: In the examined period, among total fungal isolates, dermatophytes were most commonly isolated (70.83%). Although there were more samples from female patients, the number of isolated dermatophytes in both genders was almost equal (49.13% in men and 50.87% in women). In the observed period, the most commonly isolated dermatophytes were Microsporum canis (43.90%) followed by Trichophyton rubrum (24.32%) and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (15.50%). Microsporum canis was most commonly isolated from the scalp (93.87%) and skin (39.75%) while Trichophyton rubrum was the most common cause of nail infections (50.54%). Most of the dermatophytes (34.88%) were isolated in children up to ten years and Microsporum canis was the most common isolate in children between six and ten years. The incidence of onychomycosis increases with age, and the most positive isolates were between ages of fifty and sixty (24.73%).
Conclusion: By analysing all isolates in the examined period we've come to a conclusion that dermatophytes are still the most common cause of fungal infections of the skin, scalp and nails, and the most common types of dermatophytes of the Split-Dalmatia County are Microsporum canis, Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. There was no significant difference in the frequency of dermatophytoses among the genders. Microsporum canis was most commonly isolated in hair and scalp infections, and scalp infections were most common in childhood. The frequency of fungal infections of the nail grows with age and they were most common between ages of fifty and sixty. |