Abstract | Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost između prisustva metaboličkog sindroma i njegovih sastavnica i percepcije osjeta okusa za slano u općoj populaciji Dalmacije.
Materijali i metode: U ovom presječnom istraživanju korišteni su podaci prikupljeni u okviru projekta „Pleitropija, genske mreže i putevi u izoliranim ljudskim populacijama: 10.001 Dalmatinac“ (HRZZ 8875). Provedeno je antropometrijsko mjerenje tjelesne visine, mase, opsega struka i bokova, mjerenje tlaka te vađenje krvi natašte (glukoza, trigliceridi, ukupni kolesterol, HDL). Za postavljanje dijagnoze metaboličkog sindroma korištena je JIS definicija (Joint interim statement). Ispitanici su ispunili upitnik o životnim navikama:pušenju, razini tjelesne aktivnosti i prehrani te je temeljem tih podataka izračunat indeks mediteranske prehrane. Osjet okusa za slano procjenjivaose pomoću testiranja praga osjeta za slanu otopinu te osjeta iznad praga (engl. suprathreshold) i razinu sviđanja, tj. hedonički dojam za slanu otopinu.U statističkoj analizi podataka korišteni su χ2-test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test i Spearman-ov rank test.
Rezultati: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno 1155 ispitanika na području Splita i Blata na Korčuli. Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika za prag osjeta okusa za slanos obzirom na spol, pri čemu su žene imale niži prag nego muškarci (P=0,002), s obzirom na dob (starijih od 65 godina imali su višiprag u odnosu na mlađe skupine (P<0,001)) te s obzirom na prisutnost metaboličkog sindroma (ispitanici s metaboličkim sindromom imali su viši prag nego ispitanici bez metaboličkog sindroma (P<0,001)). Medijan intenziteta osjeta okusa za slano bio je jednak u svim dobnim skupinama, ali uz značajnu razliku u razdiobi (P<0,001), jednako kao i za prisustvo metaboličkog sindroma (P=0,006). Za hedonički dojam nije zabilježena značajna razlika među skupinama s obzirom na spol, dob i metabolički sindrom. Prag osjeta okusa za slanostatistički značajno negativno korelira s intenzitetom osjeta okusa za slano (r=-0,109, P<0,001), kolesterolom (r=-0,060, P=0,046) i mediteranskom prehranom (r=-0,121, P<0,001), a pozitivno s glukozom (0,071, P=0,017). Intenzitet osjeta okusa bio je u značajnoj negativnoj korelaciji s hedoničkim dojmom (r=-0,343, P<0,001), omjerom struka i bokova (r=-0,063, P=0,034) i kolesterolom (r=-0,059, P=0,050). Za razliku od praga osjeta okusa, u pozitivnoj je korelaciji s pridržavanjem principa mediteranske prehrane (r=0,079, P=0,008). Hedonički dojam za slanu otopinu nije bio povezan ni s jednim od mjerenih parametara.
Zaključak: Ispitanici koji boluju od metaboličkog sindroma i ispitanici stariji od 65 godina imaju viši prag osjeta okusa za slano od zdravih ispitanika, odnosno osoba mlađih od 65 godina. Žene imaju niži prag osjeta okusa za slano od muškaraca. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se potvrdili i objasnili dobiveni rezultati. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the association between the presence of the metabolic syndrome and its components and the perception of the salty taste in the general population of Dalmatia.
Patients and methods: In this cross-sectional study, data collected within the project "Pleitropy, gene networks and pathways in isolated human populations: 10,001 Dalmatians" (HRZZ 8875) were used. We measured anthropometric characteristics (body height, mass, waist and hips circumference), blood pressure and performed biochemical analysis (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL). A JIS definition (Joint interim statement) was used for metabolic syndrome diagnosis. Subjects completed a questionnaire on lifestyle habits that included questions about smoking, the level of physical activity and nutrition, and the Mediterranean Diet Serving Score was calculated. Salty taste perception was assessed by threshold test using five concentrations of saline solution, the perceived intensity the threshold (suprathreshold), and the level of liking, i.e. hedonic response.χ2-test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman's rank test were used in data analysis.
Results: In this study, a total of 1155 subjects participated from Split and Blato on Korčula. Statistically significant difference was found for the taste threshold, between genders, according to age and presence of the metabolic syndrome- Threshold was lower in women than in men (P=0.002), (and higher in subjects older than 65 years than in the younger group (P<0.001) and in subjects with metabolic syndrome than subjects without metabolic syndrome (P<0.001). The median of the intensity perception of saline solution was the same in all age groups, but with significant difference in distribution (P<0.001), similarly as in the presence of metabolic syndrome (P=0.006). There was no significant difference between the groups for the hedonic response. Salty taste threshold was negatively correlated with the intensity of salty taste (r=-0,109, P<0,001), total cholesterol (r=-0,060, P=0,046) and Mediterranean diet (r=-0,121, P<0,001) and positively correlated with glucose (r=0,071, P=0,017). The intensity of the taste sensation was significantly negatively correlated with the hedonic response (r=-0,343, P<0,001), waist-to-hip ratio (r=-0,063, P=0,034) and cholesterol (r=-0,059, P=0,050). Unlike in the case of the salty taste threshold, taste intensity was positively correlated with the Mediterranean diet (r=0,079, P=0,008). Hedonic response for saline solution was not correlated with any of the measured parameters.
Conclusion: Subjects with metabolic syndrome and subjects older than 65 years had a higher salty taste threshold than healthy subjects and those younger than 65 years. Women had a lower salty taste threshold than men. Additional studies are needed in order to confirm and explain these findings. |