Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati nezdrave životne navike među učenicima srednjih škola u gradu Splitu i usporediti ih sa nezdravim navikama učenika srednjih škola na otoku Hvaru.
Materijali i metode: Presječno istraživanje provedeno je među učenicima srednjih škola otoka Hvara i učenicima srednjih škola u gradu Splitu. U Splitu su obuhvaćeni učenici trećih razreda iz dvije opće gimnazije (IV. gimnazija „Marko Marulić“ Split i V. gimnazija "Vladimir Nazor" Split) i učenici koji pohađaju privatnu srednju školu Wallner - Oliva Allegra, u kojoj su u istraživanje uključeni učenici koji se školuju za kuhara i turističko-hotelijerskog komercijalistu. Na otoku Hvaru uključeni su učenici trećeg i četvrtog razreda opće gimnazije i učenici trećeg i četvrtog razreda strukovne škole za turističko-hotelijerskog komercijalistu i hotelijersko-turističkog tehničara. Ukupni uzorak sačinjavalo je 388 učenika. Tijekom ožujka i travnja 2019. godine učenici su ispunjavali upitnik u papirnatom obliku o njihovim životnim navikama. Upitnikom o navikama ispitane su navike pušenja, prehrambene navike, navike spavanje, tjelesne aktivnosti, percepcije stresa i drugih psiholoških odrednica. Opća razina tjelesne aktivnosti procijenila se pomoću International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form (IPAQ). Dodatno, sedentarne navike ponašanja ispitale su se za prosječno dnevno trajanje sjedenja (dio IPAQ upitnika), prosječno dnevno gledanje TV-a, prosječno dnevno korištenje kompjutera, prosječno dnevno korištenje mobitela i prosječno dnevno trajanje učenja. Navike spavanja procijenile su se uz pomoć nekoliko jednostavnih pitanja o uobičajenom vremenu odlaska na spavanje i uobičajenom vremenu buđenju, prikazano odvojeno za radni dio tjedna i za slobodne dane u tjednu. Konačno, ispitanici su ocijenili svoje zdravlje, kvalitetu života, osjećaj sreće i tjeskobe posljednjih mjesec dana te optimističnost glede svoje budućnosti, korištenjem Likertove skale. Razinu doživljenog stresa smo testirali korištenjem upitnika Perceived Stress Scale.
Rezultati: U ovom istraživanju pokazali smo kako ne postoje značajne razlike u životnim navikama između učenika srednjih škola na otoku Hvaru i u gradu Splitu te razlike između učenika strukovnih škola i onih koji pohađaju gimnaziju. Učenici srednjih strukovnih škola imali su veću prevalenciju pušača od učenika općih gimnazija na otoku Hvaru i u gradu Splitu. Čak 28,6 % učenika Privatne srednje škole Wallner i 53,5% učenika Strukovnih škola na otoku Hvaru su bili pušači. Nije zabilježena razlika u odstupanju od mediteranske prehrane među učenicima u gradu Splitu (90,75%) i na otoku Hvaru (91,15%). Nismo pokazali niti da postoji razlika u učestalosti nezdravih prehrambenih navika između učenika srednjih škola u gradu Splitu i na otoku Hvaru, npr. za konzumaciju slatkiša, gaziranih napitaka, crvenog i procesiranog mesa. Svakodnevna konzumacija slatkiša zabilježen je u prosjeku u 36% naših ispitanika. Razina doživljenog stresa se također nije razlikovala među učenicima srednjih škola u gradu Splitu i na otoku Hvaru. Prosjek visoke razine doživljenog stresa među učenicima u gradu bio je 13,75%, a na otoku 12,7 %. Naše istraživanje nije pokazalo da su učenici u gradu Splitu tjelesno aktivniji od učenika na otoku Hvaru (63,05% učenika u Splitu i 58,85% učenika na otoku Hvaru imalo je visoku razinu tjelesne aktivnosti) Tijekom radnog dijela tjedna najduže su u prosjeku spavali učenici gimnazije na Hvaru (8 sati) i učenici Privatne srednje škole Wallner (7,9 sati), koji su se ujedno u najrjeđe osjećali jako umorno nakon prospavane noći (20-22%).
Zaključak: Učenici srednjih škola u gradu Splitu i na otoku Hvaru imali su visoku i sličnu učestalost nezdravih životnih navika. Posebno se ističe niska zastupljenost mediteranske prehrane i veliki postotak učenika koji puše. Potrebno je uložiti dodatni napor u promoviranje zdravijih životnih navika u ovoj mladoj populaciji, kako bi se spriječile neželjene posljedice nezdravih životnih navika u budućnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Graduation Thesis Title: Unhealthy lifestyle habits among high school students in the City of Split and on the Island of Hvar
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle habits among high school students in the City of Split and compare them to those of high school students on the Island of Hvar.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among high school students on Hvar Island and in Split. In Split the students were from the general gymnasium schools (the "Marko Marulić" School, and the "Vladimir Nazor" School), as well as students from the Private Wallner-Oliva Allegra Secondary School for cookery and tourist-hotelier commercialists. Students in their third and fourth study year from the general gymnasium on the Hvar Island were surveyed, as well as students from tourist-hotelier commercialist and hotel-tourist technician high school. Final sample included 388 students, who filled a self-administered questionnaire about their lifestyle habits during March and April 2019. The questionnaire covered the questions on smoking, diet, sleep, physical activities, perceptions of stress and other psychological factors. The general level of physical activities was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form (IPAQ). In addition, sedentary habits were investigated as to the average time spent sitting each day (part of the IPAQ questionnaire), the average time spent watching television daily, using a computer or mobile phone, and the amount of time spent studying. Sleeping habits were assessed using a few simple questions about the usual time of going to bed and getting up, separately for working days and free days during the week. Finally, the subjects were asked to assess their health, quality of life, levels of happiness and anxiety during the previous month, and optimism about their future, using the Likert scale. We tested the students' levels of stress using the Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire.
Results: In this study we have demonstrated that there were no significant differences in lifestyle habits between high school students from Hvar Island and from Split. Student attending vocational high schools had greater prevalence of smoking, with 28,6% of students from Split and 53,5% of students from Hvar Island were smokers. There was no difference in non-compliance to the Mediterranean diet between students from Split (90,75%) and those from Hvar Island (91,15%). We detected no difference in the consumption of unhealthy foodstuffs, such as sweets, fizzy drinks, red meat and processed meat products between the high school students from Split and Hvar. Daily consumption of sweets was recorded in 36% of our subjects. Similarly, the levels of perceived stress were not significantly different among the high school students from Split and Hvar Island. On average, high levels of stress were recorded in 13,75% of students from Split and 12,7% of the islanders. Our study also showed similar physically activity level in students from Split and those from the Island of (6,.05% of students from Split and 58,85% of students from Hvar reported a high level of physical activity). During the working part of the week, the average sleeping time was highest among the Hvar Island students (8 hours) and those from the Wallner Secondary School (7,9 h), who also reported the lowest levels of extreme tiredness after a night's sleep (20-22%).
Conclusion: High school students from Split and Hvar Island had a high and very similar prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle habits. Of these, the most striking were low adherence to the Mediterranean diet and high percentage of students who smoked. More effort should be placed in promoting healthy lifestyle in this young population, in order to avoid unwanted consequences of unhealthy lifestyles in the future. |