Abstract | Cilj: Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis su najčešći oblici upalne bolesti crijeva, kronične autoimune bolesti koja može uzrokovati i brojne poremećaje oralne šupljine. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti razinu znanja o oralnim manifestacijama upalne bolesti crijeva, te ispitati potencijalne razlike između pacijenata s ulceroznim kolitisom i Crohnovom bolesti.
Metode: U ovo istraživanje uključeno je 60 ispitanika s upalnim bolestima crijeva (30 s ulceroznim kolitisom i 30 s Crohnovom bolesti), koji su bili uključivani u studiju na Zavodu za gastroenterologiju i hepatologiju KBC-a Split. Svi uključeni pacijenti su ispunjavali specijalizirani anketni upitnik od ukupno 11 čestica, kojim se procjenjivala razina znanja o oralnim bolestima u upalnim bolestima crijeva, uz demografske karakteristike pacijenata.
Rezultati: Bolesnicima je najčešći izvor informacija o utjecaju upalne bolesti crijeva na oralno zdravlje Internet (58,3%), a slijede liječnik (50%), doktor dentalne medicine (33,3%) i medicinska sestra (16,6%), bez značajne razlike među skupinama. Bolesnici upalne bolesti crijeva najčešće povezuju s infekcijama u usnoj šupljini (48,3%), neugodnim zadahom (46,6%) i ranicama u ustima (40%), a najmanje smatraju da uzrokuju karijes (13,3%) ili naslage na zubima (6,6%). S obzirom na dodatne načine izvršavanja oralne higijene, ispitanici najčešće koriste zubni konac, i to statistički značajno više u pacijenata s Crohnovom bolesti u odnosu na skupinu s ulceroznim kolitisom (53,3 vs 26,7 %, P=0,037). Ispitanici u najvećem broju slučajeva nisu primili nikakve dodatne savjete o održavanju oralne higijene od strane zdravstvenih djelatnika (65%). U 19 (63,3%) bolesnika s ulceroznim kolitisom i u 20 (66,7%) bolesnika s Crohnovom bolesti doktor dentalne medicine je upoznat s njihovom bolesti (P=0,962). Ispitanici svoje znanje o oralnom zdravlju uglavnom procjenjuju ocjenom 3 (50%).
Zaključak: Razina znanja o oralnom zdravlju i higijeni u upalnim bolestima crijeva je izrazito niska u našoj populaciji pacijenata. Važno je da zdravstveni djelatnici dodatno naglašavaju značaj i potencijalne posljedice upalnih bolesti crijeva na oralno zdravlje |
Abstract (english) | Objective: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease, a chronic autoimmune disease that can cause numerous disorders of oral cavitie. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spread of knowledge about the oral manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease and to examine the potential differences between patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
Method: In this study, 60 subjects with inflammatory bowel disease were included (30 with ulcerative colitis and 30 with Crohn's disease), who were enrolled in the study at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital of Split. All included patients completed a specialized questionnaire of a total of 11 particles assessing various knowledge of oral diseases in inflammatory bowel disease, including demographic characteristics of the patients.
Results: Most common source of information for the patients about the impact of inflammatory bowel disease on oral health is the Internet (58.3%), followed by physicians (50%), dental medicine doctors (33.3%) and nurses (16.6%), without significant differences between groups. Patients are associating inflammatory bowel disease most commonly with infections in the oral cavity (48.3%), bad breath (46.6%), mouth sores (40%), and least commonly with caries (13.3%) or dental deposits (6.6%). Considering the additional ways of performing oral hygiene, the respondents most frequently used floss, statistically significantly more in patients with Crohn's disease compared to the group with ulcerative colitis (53.3 vs 26.7%, P=0.037). Participants in the majority of cases did not receive any additional advice on the maintenance of oral hygiene by healthcare professionals (65%). In 19 (63.3%) patients with ulcerative colitis and in 20 (66.7%) patients with Crohn's disease, a dental doctor was familiar with their disease (P=0.962). Respondents generally rate their knowledge of oral health with a grade of 3 (50%).
Conclusion: The level of knowledge about oral health and hygiene in inflammatory bowel disease is extremely low in our patient population. It is important for healthcare professionals to further emphasize the importance and potential consequences of inflammatory bowel disease on oral health. |