Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li povezanost između ortoreksije nervoze, tjelesne aktivnosti i mediteranske prehrane.
Materijali i metode: U ovom presječnom istraživanju uključeno je 139 studenata koji pohađaju Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu. Istraživanje je uključilo studente 5. i 6. godine studija, s visokim postotkom odziva na sudjelovanje u istraživanju (92,6%). Studenti su ispunili anonimni upitnik o životnim navikama (prehrana, tjelesna aktivnost, spavanje, stres, pušenje). Za prepoznavanje i procjenu ortoreksije kod studenata koristili smo upitnik ORTO-15 (koristili smo graničnu vrijednost od <35 bodova kao onu za postavljanje sumnje na prisutnost ortoreksije). Indeks mediteranske prehrane (engl. Mediterranean Diet Serving Score, MDSS) smo koristili za utvrđivanje pridržavanja mediteranske prehrane. Međunarodni upitnik o tjelesnoj aktivnosti (engl. International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form, IPAQ SF) je korišten za procjenu razine tjelesne aktivnosti. U analizi podataka korišten je hi-kvadrat test, Fisherov egzaktni test, Mann-Whitney U test, i Spearman-ov test rang korelacije.
Rezultati: Ukupno je 48 studenata (34,5%) zadovoljilo kriterij za postojanje povećanog rizika za ortoreksiju nervozu. Nije zabilježena razlika u prevalenciji ortoreksije među spolovima. Učestalost pridržavanja principa mediteranske prehrane je bila prilično niska, ukupno u svega 8,6% studenata. S obzirom na rizik za prisustvo ortoreksije nervoze pronađena je razlika u učestalosti pridržavanja mediteranske prehrane, na način da su studenti koji su imali ortoreksične sklonosti učestalije slijedili principe mediteranske prehrane (P=0,023). S obzirom na učestalost pridržavanja smjernica mediteranske prehrane prema skupinama namirnica, pronađena je statistički značajna učestalija konzumacija voća u studenata s prisustvom rizika ortoreksije nervoze (P=0,043). Za slastice je pronađena suprotna situacija, tako da je 27% studenata s povećanim rizikom za ortoreksiju nervozu rijetko i prema preporukama konzumiralo slastice (≤2 porcije na tjedan), dok se samo 6,6% studenti bez povećanog rizika za ortoreksiju pridržavalo niskog konzumiranja slastica (P=0,001).
Nije zabilježena razlika u učestalosti bavljenja sportom (P=0,995) niti u drugoj vrsti rekreativne tjelesne aktivnosti (P=0,251) s obzirom na rizik za prisustvo ortoreksije nervoze u studenata medicine. Nakon klasifikacije razine tjelesne aktivnosti u tri razine (nisku, umjerenu i intenzivnu), također nije pronađena razlika s obzirom na rizik za prisustvo ortoreksije nervoze (P=0,527).
S druge strane, indeks mediteranske prehrane bio je statistički značajno i pozitivno povezan s umjerenom tjelesnom aktivnošću (r=0,180; P=0,037), hodanjem (r=0,225; P=0,009) i ukupnom tjelesnom aktivnošću (r=0,232; P=0,007), kao i s prosjekom ocjena (r=0,215; P=0,015).
Zaključak: Pokazana je povezanost između mediteranske prehrane i ortoreksije nervoze, ali postotak ispitanika koji su se pridržavali principa mediteranske prehrane je nedostatan. Pokazana je povezanost između tjelesne aktivnosti i mediteranske prehrane, ali ne i između tjelesne aktivnosti i povećanog rizika za ortoreksiju. |
Abstract (english) | Orthorexia nervosa is a name for an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. Orthorexia has recently been suggested as a new possible diagnosis. However, there is still a limited amount of research on recognition, as well as regarding diagnosis and classification. Nowadays, the Mediterranean diet has become a more and more interesting subject because of the evidence of its beneficial effect on health.
Objective: The aim of the study was to examine whether there is an association between orthorexia nervosa, physical activity, and the Mediterranean diet compliance.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 139 students from the University of Split School of Medicine. The study included 5th and 6th year students, with high response rate (92.6%). Students completed an anonymous questionnaire on lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity, sleep, stress, smoking). To identify and evaluate orthorexia in students, we used the ORTO-15 questionnaire (we used a value of <35 points as a cut-off point for the presence of orthorexia). We used the Mediterranean Diet Serving Score (MDSS) to determine adherence to the Mediterranean diet. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form (IPAQ - SF) was used to assess the level of physical activity. The chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Spearman's rank correlation test were used in the data analysis.
Results: A total of 48 students (34.5%) met the criterion for an increased risk of orthorexia nervosa. There was no difference in the prevalence of orthorexia between male and female students. The incidence of adherence to the principles of the Mediterranean diet was quite low, totaling to only 8.6% of students. Considering the risk of orthorexia nervosa, a difference in the frequency of adherence to the Mediterranean diet was found, such as the students with orthorexic symtoms were more frequently adherent to the Mediterranean diet (P=0.023). Given the adherence to the Mediterranean diet guidelines by food groups, a statistically significant difference was found for fruits, with higher frequency of the consumption of fruits in the group of students with higher risk for orthorexia nervosa (P=0.043). For the sweets, the opposite situation was found, with 27% of students at increased risk for orthorexia nervosa who consumed sweets rarely and according to the recommendations (≤2 servings per week), while only 6.6% of students with low orthorexia risk adhered to low consumption of sweets. (P=0.001).
There was no difference in the frequency of playing sports (P=0.995) or in any other type of recreational physical activity (P=0.251) associated to the higher risk of orthorexia nervosa in medical students. After classifying the level of physical activity into three levels (low, moderate, and intense), again, no difference was found with respect to the risk for the presence of orthorexia nervosa (P 0.527).
On the other hand, the MDSS was statistically significant and positively correlated with moderate physical activity (r=0.180; P=0.037), walking (r=0.225; P=0.009) and total physical activity (r=0.232; P=0.007 ) as well as the grade point average (r=0.215; P=0.015).
Conclusion: The association between the Mediterranean diet and orthorexia nervosa has been found, but the percentage of respondents who adhered to the principles of the Mediterranean diet was very low. The association between physical activity and the Mediterranean diet has been confirmed, but not between physical activity and an increased risk of orthorexia. |