Title Pregled znanstvene aktivnosti u području dentalne medicine u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Review of scientific activity in the field of dental medicine in Croatia
Author Ana Hrboka
Mentor Ozren Polašek (mentor)
Committee member Livia Cigić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidia Gavić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Kero (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2019, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti znanstvenu produktivnost u području dentalne medicine u Hrvatskoj.
Metode: Prema vrsti ovo je sekundarno istraživanje, temeljeno na već postojećim i objavljenim znanstvenim istraživanjima iz bibliografske baze MEDLINE. Kao sučelje se koristio PubMed, a ključne riječi bile su dental i Croatia. Kao rezultat dobili smo 1154 radova, no nakon probira, kriterije je zadovoljilo 797 radova. Nakon toga, radovi su strukturirano uneseni u Microsoft Excel i statistički obrađeni u svrhu dobivanja konačnih rezultata. Statistička analiza temeljila se na prikazu broja i postotka za kategorijske varijable te prosjeka i standardne devijacije za numeričke podatke .
Rezultati: Nakon detaljne analize radova utvrđeno je da je najveći broj objavljenih članaka zabilježen u časopisu Collegium Antropologicum. Istraživanje je ukazalo na porast broja radova i autora po istraživanju. Detaljna analiza riječi i grupiranje rezultata pokazali su da je fokus na dječjoj populaciji i to primarno na probleme vezane uz zube i liječenje kanala. Istraživanjem adrese radova i podjelom na četiri vodeća grada pokazalo se da Zagreb ima najveći broj (ko)autorstava. Analizom je uspoređen i broj objavljenih radova po fakultetu s obzirom na godine trajanja fakulteta, a rezultati su za Zagreb značajnih 61%, za Rijeku 30% , za Split 8%, a za Osijek tek 1%.
Zaključak: Pregled radova ukazuje na izraženu produktivnost Zagreba u odnosu na ostala tri fakulteta. Analizom trenda i kretanja broja radova može se vidjeti znatni porast broja objavljenih radova, ali i broja autora, osobito u razdoblju nakon rata pa sve do danas. Porast broja članaka i autora ukazuju na povećanje broja fakulteta i nastavnog kadra, složenost istraživanja i potrebu za interdisciplinarnim pristupom. Istraživanje ukazuje i na snažnu povezanost znanosti i fakulteta koji su baza gotovo svih znanstvenih istraživanja
Abstract (english) Aim: The main objective of this study was to examine research productivity in the field of dental medicine in Croatia. The study was conducted using the MEDLINE database through the PubMed interface.
Methods: According the type, this is a secondary research, based on already existing and published scientific research from the bibliographic database MEDLINE. PubMed was used as the interface, with keywords dental and Croatia. As a result, we received 1,154 papers, but after screening, 797 papers met the criteria. Subsequently, the papers were structured in Microsoft Excel and statistically processed for final results. Statistical analysis was based on the representation of number and percentage for categorical variables and the average and standard deviations for numerical data.
Results: We determined that scientific papers were most frequently published in Collegium Antropologicum journal. The research indicated an increase in the number of papers and authors per paper. A detailed analysis of the words and grouping of the results showed that the focus was on pediatric dentistry, primarily on teeth and canal treatment problems. Search and classification of authors' affiliations into four major Croatian cities have shown that Zagreb has the highest number of authorships. We also compared the number of published papers with respect to the years of faculty duration, with results reaching 61% for Zagreb, 30% for Rijeka, 8% for Split and only 1% for Osijek.
Coclusion: The review of the papers indicates the pronounced productivity of Zagreb compared to the other three schools of dental medicine in Croatia. By analyzing the trends in the number of published studies, one can see a significant increase in the number of published papers, but also in the number of authors, especially from the post-war period up to the present time. The increasing number of papers and authors is related to an increase in the number of faculty members, the complexity of research and the need for an interdisciplinary approach. The research shows a strong correlation between scientific and dental schools as a base for almost all scientific research in the field of dental medicine in Croatia.
Dentalno istraživanje
Keywords (english)
Dental Research
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:237751
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-03-05 08:20:01