Title Razlike u izloženosti životnom stresu mjerene upitnikom STRAIN između studenata Medicine 3. i 6. godine
Title (english) Difference in exposure to life stress measured by STRAIN questionnaire between 3rd and 6th year Medical students
Author Katja Galić
Mentor Dolores Britvić (mentor)
Committee member Varja Đogaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Pecotić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine (Psychological medicine) Split
Defense date and country 2020, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Cilj: Ispitati razlike u izloženosti životnom stresu te utvrditi postoji li povezanost između uspjeha na studiju i izloženosti životnom stresu, kao i postoji li povezanost između uspjeha na studiju s tjelesnim i mentalnim zdravstvenim tegobama/simptomima, stresorima koji su djelovali na ispitanike u posljednjih šest mjeseci, financijskim poteškoćama i promjenama u životima ispitanika nastalih prilikom odlaska na studij za studente 3. i 6. godine studija Medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu, u akademskoj godini 2019./2020.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je uključeno 110 studenata, od toga 56 studenata 3. godine i 54 studenta 6. godine studija Medicine. Podatci su prikupljeni online putem STRAIN upitnika, odnosno upitnika za samoprocjenu stresa i životnih poteškoća.
Rezultati: Između studenata 3. i 6. godine studija Medicine ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u izloženosti životnom stresu. Ipak, studenti 6. godine studija Medicine imaju veći broj akutnih stresnih životnih događaja. Uspjeh na studiju nije povezan s izloženosti životnom stresu. Uspjeh na studiju nije povezan s fizičkim zdravstvenim tegobama/simptomima. Studenti s većim brojem mentalnih zdravstvenih tegoba/simptoma postižu slabiji uspjeh na studiju. Broj i težina stresora kojima su studenti bili izloženi u posljednjih šest mjeseci nisu povezani s uspjehom na studiju. Financijske poteškoće nisu povezane s uspjehom na studiju. Studenti koji su prilikom odlaska na studij bili izloženi većem broju stresora imaju lošiji uspjeh na studiju. Studenti koji su prilikom odlaska na studij iskusili više akutnih stresnih životnih događaja imaju lošiji uspjeh na studiju.
Zaključak: Dokazali smo da ne postoji razlika u izloženosti životnom stresu između studenata 3. i 6. godine studija Medicine, osim u broju akutnih stresnih životnih događaja. Dokazali smo da ne postoji povezanost između uspjeha na studiju i izloženosti životnom stresu, kao i da ne postoji povezanost između uspjeha na studiju i tjelesnih zdravstvenih tegoba/simptoma, stresora koji su na studente djelovali posljednjih šest mjeseci i financija. Pronašli smo statistički značajnu povezanost između mentalnih zdravstvenih tegoba/simptoma i uspjeha na studiju, te povezanost uspjeha na studiju s ukupnim brojem stresora i brojem akutnih stresnih životnih događaja prilikom odlaska na studij.
Abstract (english) Objectives: To assess differences in exposure to life stress and to establish if there is connection between academic success and exposure to life stress, as well as if there is connection between academic success and physical and psychical health difficulties/symptoms, stressors that had an impact on the examined group over the last six months, financial difficulties and changes in lives occured on the occasion of starting universiy for 3rd and 6th year Medical students at Split School of Medicine, University of Split, academic year 2019/2020.
Patients and methods: 110 students were included in the study, out of which 56 are 3rd year and 54 6th year Medical students. Data were collected online via STRAIN questionnaire, that is a questionnaire for selfassessment of stress and life difficulties.
Results: There is no statistically significant difference between 3rd and 6th year Medical students in exposure to life stress. However, 6th year Medical students have more acute stressfull life events. Academic success is not connected with exposure to life stress. Academic success is not connceted with physical health difficulties/symptoms. Students with more psychical health difficulties/symptoms have lower academic success. Number and weight of stressors that had an impact on the examined group over the last six months are not connected with academic success. Financial difficulties are not connected with academic success. Students who had been exposed to more stressors, while starting university, have lower academic success. Students who had been exposed to more acute stressfull life events, while starting university, have lower academic success.
Conclusion: We have proved that there is no difference in exposure to life stress between 3rd and 6th year Medical students, except in number of acute stressfull life events. We have proven that there is no connectin between academic success and exposure to life stress, as well as there is no connection between academic success and physical health difficulties/symptoms, stressors that had an impact on the examined group over the last six months and financial difficulties. We have found statistically significant connection between psychical health difficulties/symptoms and academic success, and connection between academic success total number of stressors and number of acute stressfull life events that occured on the occasion of starting universiy.
Psihološki stres
Studenti medicine
Keywords (english)
Stress Psychological
Students Medical
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:693240
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-09-02 13:11:50