Title Sakupljanje, obrada i prekogranični promet otpada
Title (english) Collection, treatment and transboundary movement of waste
Author Elvis Lončarić
Mentor Silvija Zeman (mentor)
Mentor Saša Avirović (mentor)
Committee member Goran Sabol (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Ovčar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvija Zeman (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec (Management of tourism and sport) Čakovec
Defense date and country 2019-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology Waste Management
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics
Abstract Otpad je svaka stvar koju pojedinac odbacuje, odnosno namjerava ili mora odbaciti. U današnjem društvu otpad predstavlja sve veći problem. Loše gospodarenje otpadom i bacanje otpadaka može ozbiljno ugroziti okoliš i zdravlje ljudi. Stoga je u svijetu krenula ozbiljna bitka za stvaranje čišćeg i zdravijeg okoliša, pri čemu o nama ovisi hoće li taj otpad postati resurs ili problem ovisno o tome kako njime upravljamo. Ovisno o svojim svojstvima, otpad može biti opasan, neopasan i intertan. Prema definiciji iz Zakona o održivom gospodarenju otpadom, otpad se dodatno dijeli na sljedeće vrste: komunalni otpad, industrijski otpad, ambalažni otpad i posebne kategorije otpada u koje spadaju: biootpad, otpadni tekstil i obuća, otpadne gume, otpadne baterije i akumulatori, električni i elektronički otpad, otpadna vozila, otpad koji sadrži azbest, otpadni brodovi, morski otpad, građevinski otpad, medicinski otpad, otpadna ulja, otpadni mulj. Zbog velike količine otpada i premalih kapaciteta za obradu, oporabu, zbrinjavanje, kao i zbog direktiva Europske unije kojih smo se kao članica obvezni pridržavati, potrebno je povećati kapacitete obrade otpada. Obrada otpada predstavlja jedan od većih problema današnjice. Uz gospodarski rast i rastuću potrošnju proizvoda i sirovina, raste i količina otpada. Zato je potrebno na što je moguće bolji, odnosno ekonomski isplativ i ekološki održiv način prikupljati i obrađivati otpad kako bi on postao sirovina, što bi rezultiralo manjom količinom otpada na odlagalištima i postepenim prelaskom s linearne na cirkularnu ekonomiju.
Abstract (english) Waste is any thing that an individual discards or intends or must reject. In today's society, waste is a growing problem. Poor waste management and waste disposal can seriously endanger the environment and human health. That is why a serious battle for creating a cleaner and healthier environment has started in the world, and it depends on us whether this waste will become a resource or a problem, depending on how we manage it. Depending on their properties, the waste may be hazardous, non-hazardous and intertwined. As defined in the Waste Management Act, waste is further divided into the following types: municipal waste, industrial waste, packaging waste and special categories of waste, including bio-waste, waste textile and footwear, waste tires, waste batteries and accumulators, electrical and electronic waste, waste vehicles, waste containing asbestos, waste ships, marine waste, building waste, medical waste, waste oils, waste sludge. Due to the large amounts of waste and too little capacity for processing, recycling, disposal and directives of the European Union which we as member states are obliged to comply is necessary to increase the capacity of waste treatment.. Processing waste is one of the major problems of our time. Given the economic growth, rising consumption of products and raw materials, the amount of waste is increasing. For this reason, it is necessary to collect as much as possible and economically viable and environmentally sustainable means to collect and process waste to become raw material, resulting in less waste at landfills and gradual transition from linear to circular economy.
održivi razvoj
gospodarenje otpadom
sakupljanje otpada
obrada otpada
cirkularna ekonomija
Keywords (english)
sustainable development
waste management
waste collection
waste treatment
circular economy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:110:159642
Study programme Title: Professional Study programe Sustainable development Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/na prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) inženjer/ inženjerka održivog razvoja (stručni/na prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) inženjer/ inženjerka održivog razvoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-10-18 12:32:55