Abstract | Tema su ovoga diplomskog rada najčešće ozljede glazbenika izvođača s naglaskom na oboljenja nastala prenaprezanjem kod pijanista. Potreba za razvojem medicine glazbe, koja se bavi takvim oboljenjima, počela se javljati još krajem 19. stoljeća, kada je sve veća tehnička zahtjevnost skladbi, u kombinaciji s rastućim brojem napornih koncertnih turneja, dovela do ozbiljnijih profesionalnih bolesti kod glazbenika, posebice pijanista. Na razvoj ozljeda utječu različiti faktori: unutarnji, na koje nemamo utjecaj (genetsko naslijeđe, tjelesna građa, veličina ruku) i vanjski, na koje možemo utjecati (količina i način vježbanja, tehnika sviranja, odabir programa, stil života). Do ozljeda najčešće dolazi kombinacijom različitih faktora, a većinom su uzrokovane prenaprezanjem. Uz sindrom prenaprezanja razlikujemo i bolesti kao što su tendinitis, tenosinovitis, teniski i golferski lakat, te de Quervainovu bolest, koje zahvaćaju područja gornjih ekstremiteta. Na profesionalne je bolesti najbolje reagirati prevencijom, stoga je poželjno ugledati se na principe sportske medicine gdje se nastoje smanjiti faktori rizika od ozljeda i pripremiti pojedinca na profesionalne zahtjeve izvođačkog rada. Ciljani su se treninzi snage, u kombinaciji s općenitim fitness–treninzima, pokazali izuzetno korisnima za profesionalne glazbenike izvođače. U radu se spominje i utjecaj specifičnih faktora poput malih ruku kod pijanista, na učestalost pojave ozljeda. Kratko je opisano nekoliko vježbi za istezanje prstiju i podlaktica, pogodnih upravo za pijaniste koji boluju od nekog oblika prenaprezanja. Na kraju se iznose primjeri dvaju pijanista i skladatelja, Aleksandra Skrjabina i Clare Wieck Schumann, koji su unatoč teškim ozljedama i nedostatnoj profesionalnoj medicinskoj skrbi, uspjeli barem djelomice prebroditi poteškoće i nastavili se baviti glazbom. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this thesis are the common injuries among the musician performers with an emphasis on the medical problems attributed to overexertion. The need for music medicine, devoted to these issues, began to emerge as early as in the late 19th century, when the increasing technical demands of compositions, in combination with a growing number of strenuous concert tours, led to serious occupational health problem among musicians, especially pianists. Various factors influence the development of injuries; internal, which we have no influence on (genetic inheritance, physique, hand size) and external, which we can influence (amount and mode of exercise, playing technique, program selection, lifestyle). Injuries are most often caused by a combination of different factors and caused by overexertion. Thus, in addition to the overexertion syndrome, diseases such as tendinitis, tenosynovitis, tennis, golf elbow, and de Quervain's disease, which affect the areas of the upper extremities, are recognised. The best response to occupational diseases is prevention; the model can be found in sports medicine, where the main goal is to reduce risk factors for injuries and prepare individuals for the professional requirements of their performance. Focus on the strength training, combined with general fitness training, has proven to be extremely profitable for professional performing musicians. Besides, the influence of some specific factors, such as small hands in pianists, affects the frequency of injuries. Several exercises for stretching fingers and forearms, suitable for pianists suffering from some form of overexertion, are briefly described. Finally, two examples are provided, the pianists and composers Alexander Scriabin and Clara Wieck Schumann, who, despite severe injuries and a lack of professional medical care, managed to overcome the difficulties, at least partially, and continued to play music. |
Study programme | Title: Integrated Undegraduate and Graduate University Study Programme for Instrumentalists; specializations in: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Percussion, Harp, Violin, Viola, Guitar, Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Euphonium, Tamboura, Violoncello, Double Bass Course: Piano Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra muzike (magistar/magistra muzike) |