Abstract | Pojmovi poduzetnik i poduzetništvo se spominju u svijetu već dugi niz godina i imaju veliki utjecaj na gospodarstvo neke države. Poduzetništvo predstavlja cjelinu, a poduzetnik pojedinca koji svojim inovacijama djeluje na tržištu nudeći svoje proizvode i usluge. Osobe koje bi htjele postati poduzetnici prvenstveno moraju stvoriti dobru poslovnu ideju za koju vjeruju da će zaživjeti na tržištu. Nakon ideje potrebno je razraditi kvalitetan poslovni plan gdje će se korak po korak prikazati sve važne odrednice projekta, a zatim slijedi realizacija same ideje. Poduzetnici imaju razne odgovornosti koje moraju ispunjavati tijekom svog poduzetničkog projekta, ali i određene rizike na koje moraju biti spremni u svakom trenutku. S obzirom na veliki broj malih, srednjih i velikih poduzeća očigledno je da raste i konkurencija. Konkurencija je s jedne strane prihvatljiva, jer može biti nit vodilja koja poduzetnika osvještava što, kako, kada i gdje nešto treba ili ne. S druge strane može biti i ograničavajući faktor (na primjer manipulacija cijenama), no poanta je da bi konkurenti ipak trebali njegovati prijateljske odnose u svrhu najboljeg ishoda za sve. Poduzetništvo u turizmu se orijentira na različite vrste turizma, a sve je usmjereno prema turistu koji ima specifične motive, želje i potrebe. Cilj je svojim uslugama i proizvodima doprinijeti promociji destinacije, te privući što veći broj potražnje da konzumiraju usluge i proizvode. U posljednje dvije godine to je sve skupa bilo malo otežano zbog pojave pandemije COVID-19, no poduzetnici se trude djelovati u skladu sa time i pružiti turistima sve mjere zaštite i sigurnosti kako bi svi bili zadovoljni. Praktični dio rada se odnosi na elaboraciju projekta turističke agencije i upravo je to primjer poduzetništva u turizmu. Iz kvalitetne analize ovog projekta je vidljivo da je to jako profitabilan i unosan posao, te da će opstati na tržištu. |
Abstract (english) | The terms entrepreneur and entrepreneurship have been mentioned in the world for many years and have a great impact on the economy of a country. Entrepreneurship is a whole, and the entrepreneur is an individual who innovates in the market by offering his products and services. People who would like to become entrepreneurs must first and foremost create a good business idea that they believe will come to life in the marketplace. After the idea, it is necessary to develop a quality business plan where all the important determinants of the project will be presented step by step, and then the realization of the idea itself will follow. Entrepreneurs have various responsibilities that they must fulfill during their entrepreneurial project, but also certain risks that they must be prepared for at all times. Given the large number of small, medium and large enterprises, it is obvious that competition is also growing. Competition is on the one hand acceptable, because it can be a guiding thread that makes the entrepreneur aware of what, how, when and where something is needed or not. On the other hand, it can also be a limiting factor (for example, price manipulation), but the point is that competitors should still cultivate friendly relations for the purpose of the best outcome for all. Entrepreneurship in tourism is oriented towards different types of tourism, and everything is directed towards the tourist who has specific motives, desires and needs. The goal is to contribute to the promotion of the destination with its services and products, and to attract as much demand as possible to consume services and products. In the last two years, this has been made a little more difficult by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, but entrepreneurs are trying to act accordingly and provide tourists with all protection and safety measures to keep everyone happy. The practical part of the paper refers to the elaboration of the project of a travel agency and this is exactly the example of entrepreneurship in tourism. From the quality analysis of this project, it is evident that it is a very profitable and profitable business, and that it will come to life on the market. |