Author Antonia Vujić
Mentor Jasenka Bubić (mentor)
Committee member Petar Pepur (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Perkušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Accounting and Finance) Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Za dugotrajnu materijalnu imovinu može se reći da je to imovina koja je vidljiva, opipljiva te dodirljiva. Kod većine poslovnih subjekata značajan je dio ukupne imovine te je iz tog razloga važna pri prezentiranju financijskog položaja i uspješnosti. U tu skupinu spadaju različiti oblici imovine, a to su nekretnine, zemljišta i građevinski objekti, postrojenja i oprema, alati, pogonski i uredski materijal te transportna sredstva. Dugotrajna materijalna imovina početno se priznaje po trošku nabave odnosno kupnje. Knjižiti će se kao imovina ukoliko se taj predmet imovine može pouzdano izmjeriti i ukoliko je sigurno da će buduće ekonomske koristi služiti poduzetniku. Što se tiče naknadnog priznavanja nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme, stavljanjem tih sredstava u upotrebu njihova se vrijednost smanjuje. Tada je potrebno protekom roka obračunati amortizaciju, te može doći do oscilacije između stvarne i knjigovodstvene vrijednosti. U tom slučaju poduzetnik svojim računovodstvenim politikama može birati između dva modela za naknadno priznavanje, a ti modeli su model troška te model revalorizacije. Slična je situacija i što se tiče ulaganja u nekretnine. Za njih se može reći da su posebna kategorija dugotrajne imovine, te se u bilanci iskazuju kao posebna stavka. Razlika između ulaganja u nekretnine i ostalih nekretnina u društvu je u tome što su ulaganje u nekretnine stvara novčane učinke koje uglavnom ne ovise o drugoj imovini koja je u vlasništvu društva, dok ostale nekretnine stvaraju novčane učinke koje se mogu pripisati i ostaloj imovini koja se koristi u proizvodnji, isporuci roba i usluga. Ulaganje u nekretnine se također početno priznavanju po trošku nabave, a za naknadno priznavanje mogu birati između modela troška te modela fer vrijednosti. Odabrani model dužni su primjenjivati na sva svoja ulaganja u nekretnine.
Abstract (english) Long term tangible assets are assets that are visible, tangible and touchable. They are a signigicant part of total assets for most bussines entities and for this reason are very important in financial postion and performance presentation. This group includes various forms of property, namely real estate, land and construction facilities, plants and equipment, tools, operating and office equipment, and all means of transport. Tangible fixed assets are initially recognized at the acquisition or purchase cost. It will be recorded as an asset if that asset can be reliably measured and if it is certain that future economic benefits will serve the entrepreneur. As for the subsequent recognition of real estate, plant and equipment, putting these assets into use reduces their value. In that case, it is necessary to calculate amortization at the end of the term, and there may be an oscillation between the actual and the book value. In this case, the entrepreneur can choose between two models for subsequent recognition with his accounting policies, and these models are the cost model and the revaluation model. The situation is similar when it comes to investing in real estate. They are a special category of long-term assets, and are shown as a separate item in the balance sheet. The difference between investing in real estate and other real estate in the company is that investing in real estate creates monetary effects that mostly do not depend on other assets owned by the company, while other real estate creates monetary effects that can be attributed to other assets that are used. in production, delivery of goods and services. Investments in real estate are also initialy recognized by acquisition cost, and there are two models of subsequent recogniition: cost model and the fair value model. When chosen, model is applied to all real estate investment.
dugotrajna imovina
metode vrednovanja
početno vrednovanje
naknadno vrednovanje
Keywords (english)
fixed assets
valuation methods
initial valuation
subsequent valuation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:377645
Study programme Title: Accounting and Finances – professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-25 12:26:21