Author Anđela Tomaš
Mentor Mijana Matošević Radić (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Blažević Miše (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Lolić Čipčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Management, Trade and Tourism) Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Turizam je aktivnost koja se izuzetno brzo razvija na globalnoj razini što rezultira povećanjem broja turista, turističkih djelatnika kao i gospodarskih subjekata koji su izravno uključeni u formiranje turističkog proizvoda. S druge pak strane, prostorna udaljenost koju turisti žele prijeći na svom putovanju sve je veća a zemlje u koje putuju sve su egzotičnije. U takvim uvjetima poseban značaj imaju turističke agencije - posrednici na turističkom tržištu. Njihov zadatak je povezati subjekte turističke ponude sa turistima koji nastoje ostvariti nezaboravna iskustva na putovanju. Kako bi što kvalitetnije ispunile svoj zadatak, turističke agencije u svakom trenutku moraju zadovoljiti obje uključene strane, odnosno moraju jednakom pažnjom zastupati i interese subjekata turističke ponude i turista. Stoga njihova komunikacija mora biti jasna, a poruka razumljiva. To se posebno odnosi na suvremene turističke agencije koje se susreću s brojnim izazovima zbog tehnološkog razvoja, promjena navika turista, razvoja novih turističkih tržišta te novih medija za komuniciranje. Cilj ovoga rada je teorijski obrazložiti posredničku ulogu turističkih agencija na turističkom tržištu, te na praktičnom primjeru analizirati posredničke poslove turističke agencije Dream in Dalmatia. Iz primjera se može zaključiti da turistička agencija posreduje u pružanju različitih proizvoda i usluga, od klasičnih turističkih usluga smještaja i prijevoza, te sve popularnijih jednodnevnih izleta i adrenalinskih aktivnosti do usluga helikopterskog prijevoza, prilagođenih možda najzahtjevnijem segmentu turističke potražnje.
Abstract (english) Tourism is an activity that is developing extremely quickly on a global level, which results in an increase in the number of tourists, tourism workers, as well as economic entities that are directly involved in the formation of a tourist product. On the other hand, the spatial distance that tourists want to cover on their trip is increasing and the countries they travel to are increasingly exotic. In such conditions, travel agencies - intermediaries on the tourist market -are of special importance. Their task is to connect the subjects of the tourist offer with tourists who strive to achieve unforgettable travel experiences. In order to fulfill their task as well as possible, travel agencies must at all times satisfy both involved parties, that is, they must represent the interests of the subjects of the tourist offer and tourists with equal attention. Therefore, their communication must be clear and the message understandable. This especially applies to modern travel agencies that face numerous challenges due to technological development, changes in tourists' habits, the development of new tourist markets and new media for communication. The aim of this paper is to theoretically explain the intermediary role of travel agencies on the tourist market, and to analyze the intermediary activities of the Dream in Dalmatia travel agency on a practical example. From the example, it can be concluded that the travel agency mediates in the provision of various products and services, from classic tourist accommodation and transportation services, and increasingly popular day trips and adrenaline activities to helicopter transportation services, adapted to perhaps the most demanding segment of tourist demand.
turistička agencija
turističko tržište
Dream in Dalmatia
Keywords (english)
travel agency
tourist market
Dream in Dalmatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:672856
Study programme Title: Business Trade –– professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-10-27 09:23:31