Author Edo Santonoceto
Mentor Igor Gabrić (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Pezer (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Vetma (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Split
Defense date and country 2023-06-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Proizvodnja i upotreba proizvoda su ljudske aktivnosti koje se zasnivaju na određenoj potrošnji energije i materijala te kao takve, u znatnoj mjeri utječu na kvalitetu okoliša i života na Zemlji. Trenutna stopa industrijskog razvoja, rast broja stanovnika i težnja za boljom kvalitetom života stanovništva imaju negativan utjecaj na okoliš koji je svakim danom sve izraženiji. Utjecaji proizvoda, tj. materijala na okoliš, danas se često proučavaju pomoću metodologije kao što je npr. tehnika Analize životnog ciklusa (eng. Life-cycle analysis-LCA). LCA metoda istražuje cijeli životni ciklus nekog proizvoda (od proizvodnje sirovog materijala do odlaganja ili recikliranja na kraju životnog vijeka proizvoda ) i procjenjuje njegov utjecaj na okolinu. Međutim, LCA je isključivo alat za procjenu i međusobnu usporedbu već postojećih proizvoda i ne može se smatrati alatom za ekološki dizajn novog proizvoda. Smatra se da oko 80% „opterećenja“ za okoliš, od strane budućeg proizvoda, nastaje u ranoj fazi dizajna dok se mnoge odluke još uvijek mogu promijeniti. Polazeći od p otrebe da se utjecaj na okoliš uzme u obzir u ranim fazama projektiranja, razvijen je alat za eko-reviziju. Alat za eko-reviziju, koji je središnja točka ovog završnog rada, utjelovljen je u programskom paketu „CES EduPack“. Navedeni alat pruža uvid u sve faze životnog vijeka proizvoda s aspekta utrošene energije i emisije CO2, ali i usmjerava projektante u potrazi za prikladnijim opcijama tijekom procesa eko-dizajna. U ovom završnom radu je prikazan ekološko održivi pristup metodičkog konstruiranja nosive konstrukcije auto prikolice. Uz metodički pristup, u radu je prikazan proces projektiranja, tj. razrade varijanti nosive konstrukcije automobilske prikolice. Potom je izvršena konstrukcijska razrada nosive konstrukcije auto prikolice. Primjenom CAD (eng. Computer Aided Design) programa predočeno je „utjelovljenje“ proizvoda te kontrola naprezanja i deformacija konstrukcije. Alatom za eko -reviziju, implementiranom u programskom paketu „CES EduPack“, izvršena je eko-revizija konstrukcije. Također je napravljen osvrt na cjelokupnu metodologiju eko-revizije te su izneseni zaključci.
Abstract (english) The manufacture and use of products are human activities that are based on a certain consumption of energy and materials and as such, significantly affect the quality of the environment and life on Earth. The current rate of industrial development, the growth of the population and the desire for a better quality of life of the population have a negative impact on the environment, which is becoming more pronounced every day. The impacts of products, i.e. materials, on the environment are often studied today using a methodology such as the Life-cycle analysis technique (LCA). The LCA method examines the entire life cycle of a product (from the production of raw materials to disposal or recycling at the end of the product's life) and assesses its impact on the environment. However, LCA is exclusively a tool for the evaluation and mutual comparison of alread y existing products and cannot be considered as a tool for the ecological design of a new product. It is considered that about 80% of the "burden" for the environment, from the future product, occurs in the early design phase while many decisions can still be changed. Based on the need to take environmental impact into account at the early stages of design, an eco-audit tool was developed. The tool for eco-auditing, which is the central point of this final work, is embodied in the program package "CES EduPack". The mentioned tool provides an insight into all phases of the product's life cycle in terms of energy consumption and CO 2 emissions, but also guides the designer in the search for more suitable options during the eco-design process. In this fina l paper, an ecologically sustainable approach to the methodical construction of the load -bearing structure of the car trailer is presented. The paper presents the process of designing, i.e. making variants of the load-bearing structure of the car trailer, using a methodical approach. After that, the constructive development of the load-bearing structure of the car trailer was carried out. By applying CAD programs, the "embodiment" of the product and the control of stress and deformation of the structure are shown. The eco-audit tool, implemented in the "CES EduPack" software package, was used to perform an eco -audit of the structure. A review of the entire ecoaudit methodology was also made and conclusions were presented.
izbor materijala
Keywords (english)
choice of materials
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:614991
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering – professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-06-23 09:51:36