Author Ana Pavković
Mentor Jelena Stupalo (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Blažević Miše (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Ćorluka (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Management, Trade and Tourism) Split
Defense date and country 2023-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Internet marketing možemo definirati kao skup aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj oglašavanje proizvoda i usluga putem digitalnih medija. Marketing stručnjacikoriste razne metode kako bi privukli određenu publiku, a među važnijim se smatraju Optimizacija sadržaja za tražilice, sadržajni marketing, društvene mreže, oglašavanje na tražilicama i E-mail. Društvene mreže su jedna od strategija internet marketinga koje imaju za cilj oglašavanje proizvoda i usluga. Najčešće se javljaju u obliku platforme, prozora ili internet stranice. U svijetu današnjeg poslovanja na međunarodnom tržištu, društvene mreže su jedno od najjačih sredstava koja hotelima omogućuju zadržavanje ključnog položaja na turističkom tržištu među brojnom konkurencijom. Najpoznatije društvene mreže koje se danas koriste u svrhu promidžbe hotela su: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok i ostale. Društvene mreže su važne za hotele jer nude niz mogućnosti prilikom distribucije njihove ponude proizvoda i usluga na tržištu. Neke od prednosti društvenih mreža su povećanjeweb prometa, jačanjesvijesti o hotelu te relativno niski troškovi promocije. Društvene mreže nude izravan kontakt i komunikaciju s korisnicima te omogućujuosoban pristup pojedincima što je važno u hotelskoj industriji. Osobito je važna mogućnostpersonalizirane komunikacije koja podrazumijeva prilagođavanjeponude specifičnimdemografskim karakteristikama i različitim segmentima potrošača s kojima se vrši komunikacija. Za hotele je od iznimne koristi konstantna prisutnost na društvenim mrežama u sezoni, kao i izvan sezone poslovanja, u vidu postavljanja najava za buduća događanja, podsjećanjemna protekla događanjakao i davanjem informacija o posebnim ponudama hotela. Empirijskom analizom utvrđenoje kako treba biti što moderniji sa sadržajem zbog promjene tnoviteta u svijetu društvenih mreža koji se sve više mijenja, gdje kvalitetna fotografija više nije dovoljna. Treba razvijati video produkciju sadržaja pa tako i kreirati što više zanimljivih videa za društvene mreže. U oglašavanju pravila se svode većinomna isto – zanimljiv oglas + dobro ciljanje publike filterima + korištenje gumba za akciju = dobar rezultat. Također je potvrđenokako je potrebno osluškivati novitete turističkihkretanja na ciljanim tržištima te da dobar marketingaš zna ispromovirati proizvod/uslugu i u najboljim i u najgorim okolnostima osluškujućišto njegova publika želi čutikad je dobro, a što kad je loše.
Abstract (english) Internet marketing we can define like a set of activities which for the goal has advertising products and services by the digital media. Marketing experts are using different methods to attract certain audience, and the most important consider SEO, content marketing, social media, PPC and E-mail. Social media are one of the strategies of internet marketing, and for the goal they have advertising products and services. Most of the time we can see them in form like platform, window or web-sites. In world of today business on the internationally market, social media are one of the strongest funds which are giving possibilities of key position on tourist market among many competitors. Most popular social media which are used for the promotion for hotels are: Face book Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok and others. Social media are important for hotels because they are giving a lot of options on distributions of their products and services on market. Some of advantages social media are increases of web circulation, increasing awareness of the hotel and relatively low costs of promotions. Social media are offering directly contact and communication with users and enables personal access for individuals which are important in the hotel industry. Particularly is important possibility of personalised communication which implies adjustment of offering specific demographic characteristics and different segments of consumers with who communication is carried out. For hotels is important constant presence on social media by season, as and out of season business, in sight of placement announcements for future evenings, remembering on last events like and giving information’s about special offering of the hotel. Empirical analysis determined is how to be modern with content because of changing trends in world of social media which is from to the day to the day more different, but there quality picture is not enough anymore. It should develop video production content so and create as more as possible interesting videos for social media. In advertising is practically same – interesting ad + well targeting audience with the filters + using click to action buttons = good result. Also is confirmed that it should to listen trends tourist movements in the target market, and good marketing men knows how to promote a product/service and at the worse and at the best times to listen what his audience wants to hear when is something good, and when is something bad.
društvene mreže
internet marketing
Keywords (english)
social media
internet marketing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:279799
Study programme Title: Trade and Tourism Management Study programme type: professional Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-11-20 13:46:48