Author Andrea Pajić
Mentor Mijana Matošević Radić (mentor)
Committee member Anita Krolo - Crvelin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Lolić Čipčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Management, Trade and Tourism) Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Struktura smještajnih kapaciteta ima važnu ulogu u tržišnoj poziciji destinacije i tome kako će ona biti okarakterizirana među turistima. Smještajni kapaciteti pripadaju ugostiteljskim objektima, koji se razvrstavaju u sedam kategorija i to: hotel, kamp, ostali ugostiteljski objekti za smještaj, restoran, bar, catering i objekt jednostavnih ugostiteljskih usluga. Zajedničkim djelovanjem na tržištu ponude nude jedinstvenu turističku ponudu destinacije. Ukupan smještajni kapacitet u Republici Hrvatskoj u 2023. godini bio je 1.881.516 kreveta. To je porast od 11% u usporedbi sa 2019. godinom. Najveću popunjenost smještajni objekti imaju u srpnju i kolovozu, a ostatak godine popunjenost je značajno manja. Hoteli čine prvu skupinu ugostiteljskih objekata a u Hrvatskoj se prema Pravilniku razlikuje devet vrsta hotela. Hoteli se kategoriziraju u određene kategorije prema vrstama usluga koje pružaju i razini kvalitete usluga. kategorizacija se označavaju brojem zvjezdica. Kampovi kao vrsta smještajnih objekata imaju važnu ulogu u turizmu Hrvatske jer su otporniji na svjetske krize u odnosu na ostale objekte za smještaj. Privlače različite profile turista i imaju neiskorišten potencijal redistribucije potražnje van glavne sezone. Ostali oblici smještajnih objekata služe kao „nadopuna glavnim“ oblicima objekata i obogaćuju ponudu. Struktura smještajnih kapaciteta utječe na sezonalnost, konkurentnost destinacije i njenu poziciju na turističkom tržištu. Destinacijama sa izraženom sezonalnošću hotelski oblici smještaja mogu produžiti sezonu i redistribuirati potražnju izvan vrhunca sezone. Što su smještajni objekti luksuzniji privlače turiste veće platežne moći, utječu na percepciju turista o samoj destinaciji, te tako izravno utječu na prihode od turizma.
Abstract (english) The structure of accommodation capacity plays an important role in the market position of the destination and how it will be characterized among tourists. Accommodation facilities belong to catering facilities, which are classified into seven categories: hotel, camp, other catering facilities for accommodation, restaurant, bar, catering and facilities for simple catering services. By working together on the offer market, they offer a unique tourist offer of the destination. The total accommodation capacity in the Republic of Croatia in 2023 was 1,881,516 beds. This is an increase of 11% compared to 2019. Accommodation facilities have the highest occupancy in July and August, and the rest of the year occupancy is significantly lower. Hotels make up the first group of catering establishments, and according to the Ordinance, nine types of hotels are distinguished in Croatia. Hotels are categorized into specific categories according to the types of services they provide and the level of service quality. categorization are indicated by the number of stars. Camps as a type of accommodation facilities play an important role in Croatian tourism because they are more resistant to world crises than other accommodation facilities. They attract different profiles of tourists and have an untapped potential to redistribute demand outside the main season. Other forms of accommodation facilities serve as a "supplement" to the main forms of facilities and enrich the offer. The structure of accommodation capacity affects the seasonality, competitiveness of the destination and its position on the tourist market. In destinations with pronounced seasonality, hotel forms of accommodation can extend the season and redistribute demand outside the peak season. The more luxurious the accommodation facilities are, they attract tourists with higher paying power, influence the perception of tourists about the destination itself, and thus directly affect tourism revenues.
smještajni kapaciteti
ugostiteljski objekti
Keywords (english)
accommodation facilities
catering facilities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:921992
Study programme Title: Trade and Tourism Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-08-23 12:18:48