Author Ivana Samardžić
Mentor Anita Krolo - Crvelin (mentor)
Committee member Ivona Jukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoja Buljan Barbača (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Accounting and Finance) Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Postavljanje strateškog usmjerenja ključno je za dugoročni uspjeh poduzeća. Ovaj proces obuhvaća oblikovanje misije, vizije i strateških ciljeva, koji zajedno usmjeravaju organizaciju prema ostvarivanju njenih dugoročnih ciljeva. Misija je temeljna svrha i razlog postojanja poduzeća. Odgovara na pitanja o tome što poduzeće radi, kome je namijenjeno i na koji način djeluje. Fokusirana je na osnovne poslovne ciljeve i vrijednosti, te pomaže u vođenju svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Jasno definirana misija jača svijest unutar poduzeća, povjerenje i korporativni imidž. Vizija predstavlja idealnu sliku budućnosti poduzeća, opisuje dugoročne ciljeve i aspiracije te motivira zaposlenike da rade u smjeru ostvarenja te slike, omogućujući menadžmentu da prepozna buduće prilike i pripremi se za njih. Vizija također služi kao referenca za procjenu trenutnih odluka i akcija poduzeća. Strateški ciljevi konkretiziraju misiju i viziju u specifične, mjerljive, ostvarive, relevantne i vremenski ograničene (SMART) ciljeve. Oni predstavljaju korake koje poduzeće mora poduzeti kako bi ostvarilo svoju misiju i postiglo viziju. Strateški ciljevi omogućuju postavljanje jasnih poslovnih zadataka, mjerenje uspješnosti i motivaciju zaposlenika. Kombinacija misije, vizije i strateških ciljeva osigurava koherentan strateški smjer poduzeća. Misija pruža temelj i smjer za poslovanje, vizija nadahnjuje i motivira dugoročnim ciljevima, dok strateški ciljevi definiraju konkretne korake potrebne za postizanje tih ciljeva. Zajedno, oni omogućuju poduzeću da uspješno prolazi kroz izazove i prilike, te postigne održiv rast i razvoj.
Abstract (english) Setting a strategic direction is crucial for the long-term success of a company. This process includes defining the mission, vision and strategic goals, which together guide the organization towards its long-term goals. The mission represents the fundamental purpose and reason for the company's existence. It answers the questions of what the company does, for whom it does it and how it does it. The mission focuses on core business goals and values and helps guide dayto-day activities. A well-defined mission strengthens entrepreneurial awareness, trust and corporate image. The vision is an ideal image of the company's future, it describes long-term goals and aspirations. The vision motivates employees and directs them towards the realization of that image, helping management to see future opportunities and prepare for them. The vision also serves as a criterion for evaluating the company's current decisions and actions. Strategic goals concretize the vision and mission into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound (SMART) goals. They represent the steps a company needs to take to achieve its mission and vision. Strategic goals help to set clear business objectives, measure performance and motivate employees. The combination of mission, vision and strategic goals ensures a coherent strategic direction of the company. The mission provides the basis and direction for the business, the vision inspires and motivates with long-term goals, while the strategic goals define the concrete steps necessary to achieve those goals. Together, they enable the company to successfully navigate through challenges and opportunities and achieve sustainable growth and development.
postavljanje strateškog usmjerenja
Keywords (english)
strategic direction setting
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:372967
Study programme Title: Accounting and Finance Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-11-07 11:51:36