Title (english) 2D TOP DOWN RACING GAME
Author Antonio Bečić
Mentor Ljiljana Despalatović (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Kedžo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Toma Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Computing) Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing
Abstract Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je prikazati zabavnu stranu programiranja, kako za igrače, tako i za programere. Rad prikazuje integraciju različitih tehnologija koja kulminira izradom završnog projekta. Sam projekt potiče programera na razvoj kreativnih sposobnosti kako bi utrke automobila u različitim klasama učinio što zanimljivijima, čime se igrač povezuje s igrom. Tijekom izrade takvog projekta, programer se suočava s brojnim izazovima. Glavni izazov predstavlja samo programiranje i upoznavanje s alatom Unity, ali značajan dio posla uključuje i dizajn automobila, zvuk automobila, dizajn trkaćih staza i korisničkog sučelja. Programer također surađuje s ljudima koji testiraju igru i daju povratne informacije, na temelju kojih programer prilagođava igru. Kombiniranjem različitih tehnologija, dizajna svijeta unutar igre i povratnih informacija korisnika, nastala je ova 2D trkaća igra s polurealističnim kretanjem. U radu je detaljno opisan postupak izrade igre korištenjem razvojnog okruženja Unity te programskog jezika C#, koji se koristi u pogonskom alatu Unity. Žanr igre je trkaća igra, smještena u 2D okruženju s pogledom iz ptičje perspektive. Igra omogu ćava utrkivanje s različitim klasama automobila na trkaćim stazama dizajniranim prema stvarnim stazama, uz mogućnost trošenja i promjene guma tijekom utrke. U prvom poglavlju objašnjen je alat Unity, njegovo korisničko sučelje, postupak stvaranja projekta unutar Unityja te glavne stavke koje se koriste u Unityju. U drugom poglavlju detaljno je opisana 2D trkaća igra kao cjelokupan projekt, glavne skripte koje se koriste unutar igre i ključni sustavi koji su implementirani.
Abstract (english) The aim of this thesis was to present the fun side of programming, both for players and for the programmer himself. It demonstrates the integration of various technologies culminating in the creation of a complete project. The project itself encourages the programmer to develop creative skills to make car races in different classes as interesting as possible, 1thus engaging the player and connecting them with the game. During the creation of such a project, the programmer faces various challenges in game development. The main challenge is the programming itself and getting acquainted with the Unity tool, but a significant part of the work also includes the design of cars, car sounds, race tracks, and the user interface. The programmer also collaborates with an external audience that tests the game and provides feedback, based on which the programmer adapts the game accordingly. By combining various technologies, world design within the game, and user feedback, this 2D racing game with semi-realistic movement was created. Specifically, the thesis describes the process of creating the game using the Unity game development environment and the C# programming language used in the Unity engine. The genre of the game is a racing game, set in a 2D environment with a top-down perspective. In the game, players can race with different classes of cars on race tracks designed after real-life tracks, with different tires that wear out during a race and can be changed.
2D igra
2D trkaća igra
Keywords (english)
2D game
2D Top Down Racing Game
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:274031
Study programme Title: Computing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka računarstva (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka računarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-11-08 07:46:25