Abstract | Poduzetništvo je proces stvaranja, razvijanja i vođenja poslovnih aktivnosti s ciljem ostvarivanja profita. Kroz poduzetništvo pojedinci ili grupe stvaraju vrijednost za društvo pokretanjem novih poslovnih pothvata, stvaranjem radnih mjesta i poticanjem ekonomske aktivnosti u lokalnoj ili globalnoj zajednici. Obiteljsko poduzetništvo podrazumijeva uključenost dvaju ili više članova obitelji u biznis s ciljem ostvarenja profita. Neke su od prednosti obiteljskog poduzeća dugoročna vizija, lojalnost, obiteljske vrijednosti, prilagodljivost. S druge strane, nedostaci obiteljskog biznisa jesu obiteljski konflikti, nedostatak profesionalizma, teškoće u tranziciji, nedostatak resursa za rast, preklapanje poslovnog i obiteljskog života i slično. Životni ciklus obiteljskog poduzeća predstavlja procese i promjene kroz koje takvo poduzeće prolazi tijekom svog postojanja. Taj ciklus obuhvaća nekoliko ključnih faza: osnivanje, rast i razvoj, dozrelost te ponovni početak ili nestajanje. Osnivanje poduzeća često započinje stvaranjem poslovne ideje, vizije i misije te izradom detaljnoga poslovnog plana. U fazi rasta i razvoja poduzeće prolazi kroz dinamičan proces ekspanzije, povećanja prihoda, proširenja tržišta i razvoja proizvoda ili usluga. Postoje mnogi modeli kojima se opisuju faze životnog ciklusa, a jedni od najčešćih jesu Greinerov i Adizesov model životnog ciklusa. Poduzeće „Bota Šare“ osniva se osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća kada Božidar Šare otvara svoj prvi restoran u Malom Stonu. Rastom profita i obitelji širi se i poslovanje. Tijekom godina uključivala su se i djeca u obiteljski biznis. Trenutno postoji lanac od šest restorana pod vlasništvom obitelji Šare koji uspješno rade. |
Abstract (english) | Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, developing, and managing business activities with the goal of generating profit. Through entrepreneurship, individuals or groups create value for society by launching new business ventures, creating jobs, and stimulating economic activity in the local or global community. Family entrepreneurship involves the participation of two or more family members in a business with the aim of making a profit. Some of the advantages of a family business include long-term vision, loyalty, family values, and adaptability. On the other hand, the disadvantages of a family business include family conflicts, lack of professionalism, difficulties in transition, lack of resources for growth, overlap between business and family life, and so on. The life cycle of a family business represents the processes and changes that such a business undergoes throughout its existence. This cycle includes several key phases: establishment, growth and development, maturity, and either renewal or decline. The establishment of a business often begins with the creation of a business idea, vision, and mission, along with the development of a detailed business plan. During the growth and development phase, the business goes through a dynamic process of expansion, increased revenue, market expansion, and product or service development. There are many models that describe the phases of the life cycle, with Greiner's and Adizes' life cycle models being among the most common. The company "Bota Šare" was founded in the 1980s when Božidar Šare opened his first restaurant in Mali Ston. With the growth of profit and the family, the business expanded as well. Over the years, the children became involved in the family business. Currently, there is a chain of six restaurants owned by the Šare family that are successfully operating. |