Author Mihael Jeličić
Mentor Leo Štrbac (mentor)
Committee member Joško Novaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Troskot (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2019-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Abstract Transformator je statički elektromagnetski uređaj koji transformira izmjenični napon jedne vrijednosti u izmjenični napon druge vrijednosti, a vrijednost frekvencije ostaje nepromijenjena. Ovisno o potrebama čovjeka, povećavaju ili snižavaju struju. Glavni dijelovi transformatora su: kućište, magnetska jezgra i namoti (tzv. primar i sekundar) s izolacijom (osim kod autotransformatora). U jednofaznom se transformatoru primar i sekundar u načelu sastoji od jednoga, a u trofaznom od triju namota. Podjela transformatora prema snazi: • Generatorski ili blok-transformatori koriste se u elektranama za spajanje generatora i visokonaponske mreže. • Mrežni transformatori, transformiraju napon VN mreže (npr. 400 kV, 220 kV, 110 kV) na napon distribucijske mreže(35 kV, 30, 20 ili 10 kV). • Distribucijski transformatori izvode se za napon od 35 kV i niže, izrađuju se kao dvonamotni i tronamotni. Učinski transformator ili energetski transformator većinom se koristi u prijenosnim i distribucijskim mrežama elektroenergetskog sustava. Radi smanjenja gubitaka i struje praznoga hoda, jezgra energetskog transformatora slaže se od tankih magnetski orijentiranih limova (radi smanjenja vrtložnih struja). Namoti su građeni od žice kružna presjeka ili profilnih vodiča od elektrotehničkoga bakra. Zavoji namota najčešće su izolirani lakom ili papirom. Jezgra i namoti uljnih transformatora uronjeni su u izolacijsku tekućinu (transformatorsko ulje). Toplina razvijena u namotima i jezgri prenosi se preko ulja na takozvani kotao (konzervator) i rashladne uređaje, a odatle u okolinu. Nazivna električna snaga SN transformatora, je vrijednost njegove prividne snage i osnova je za projektiranje, deklariranje, ispitivanje i određivanje njegove nazivne struje. Nazivni napon UN, napon je na koji se transformator priključuje. Nazivna struja IN, struja je kroz linijsku stezaljku transformatora.
Abstract (english) The transformer is a static electromagnetic device that transforms the AC voltage of one value into the AC voltage of the second value and frequency value is constant. Depending on the needs, they increase or decrease the current. The main components of the transformer are: tank cover, magnetic core and windings (so called Primary and Secondary) with insulation (except for autotransformers). In a single-phase transformer there is a secondary in principle consisting of one and three-phase three windings Transformer division by power: • Generators transformers are used in power generators and high-voltage power plants to connect a generator and high-voltage network. • Network transformers transform the high-voltage network (eg. 400 kV, 220 kV, 110 kV) into the voltage distribution network (35 kV, 30, 20, 10 kV). • Distribution transformers are designed for 35 kV and lower voltages, are made as double and triple windings. The energy transformer is mostly used in the transmission and distribution networks of the power system. To reduce losses of power and losses idle current, the core of the power transformer converges from thin magnetically oriented plates (to reduce vortex currents). Windings are made of circular cross section or profile conductors of copper. Wire windings are most often isolated by light or paper. The core and windings of oil transformers are immersed in insulating fluid (transformer oil). Heat generated in windings and cores is transmitted through oil to so -called boiler (conservator) and cooling equipment, and from there to the environment. The electrical power of the SN transformer is the agreed value of its apparent power and is the basis for designing, declaring, testing and determining its rated current. Nominal voltage UN voltage is the transformer to which the transformer is connected. The nominal current IN is current through the line terminal of the transformer.
distribucijske mreže
elektroenergetski sustavi
transformatorsko ulje
Keywords (english)
distribution networks
power systems
transformer oil
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:133951
Study programme Title: Power Engineering – professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka elektroenergetike (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka elektroenergetike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-10-28 09:22:19