Author Ivan Odak
Mentor Ljiljana Despalatović (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Kedžo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Nazor (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Computing) Split
Defense date and country 2019-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing
Abstract Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je predstaviti stranu programiranja koja omogučava zabavu korisnika, odnosno igrača kao i samog programera. Prikazuje spajanje različitih znanja unutar jedinstvenog projekta, potiče na razvijanje kreativnosti koja je potrebna kako bi se napravio što zanimljiviji dizajn, animacije, atmosfera, opisali likov i priča, sve to je potrebno kako bi se postigla zainteresiranost, ali i povezanost igrača s igrom. Tijekom izrade igre programer se upoznaje s ljudima iz različitih grana industrije u svrhu prikupljanja potrebnih informacija, bilo to vezano za potrebe izrade igre ili jednostavno povratne informacije osoba koje testiraju igru, istražuju eventualne probleme, daju određene savjete i slično. Konkretno ovim projektom je prikazano kako se s besplatnim resursima može izraditi sustav koji u konačnici pruža sate i sate užitka. U radu je opisan način izrade igrice korištenjem okruženja za izradu igara Unity3D (engl. Unity3D game engine) te programskog jezika C# koji se koristi u pogonskom alatu Unity3D. Ime igre je Dionyzus, žanr je otvoreni svijet, igra se iz trećeg lica te se radi o 3D igrici. Unutar igre je prikazan život Leona te njegov put prema otkrivanju tko stoji iza namještaljke u kojoj njegov najbolji prijatelj umire. Osim odrađivanja zadataka i izazova koji su predstavljeni igraču, moguće je slobodno istraživati grad te obavljati različite poslove neovisno o glavnoj priči.
Abstract (english) This graduate work is a game, made in Unity3D game engine. It is 3D game, open world, sandbox game based of GTA (Grand theft auto) series. This game was made as a demo which shows what can be done in Unity. Purpose of this graduation work is to enjoy and 1 have fun while testing, adding custom story line, as well as programming and adding some original features in world of gaming. It combines different types of knowledge, it encourages developing of different set of skills such as visuals and animation design, music composing, creating interesting atmosphere, describing characters and story line, all that is necessary to make future player interested in the game as well as connected to it. Throughout the game develop, programmer meets people from different industries with a purpose to gather all kinds of information, it could be anything connected to the game develop, getting feedback when it comes to bugs as well as listening to the different advises etc. With this project it was shown how with no investment it’s possible to create a game which offers hours and hours of fun time. Game shows life of Leon and his path to find out who is behind the set-up in which his best friend dies. Beside doing tasks and surviving through the challenges which lead to finishing story, player can freely explore the city and do side jobs which aren’t related to main story.
Termin pogonski alat (engl. Game engine) u radu predstavlja kompletan Unity
dakle i editor i C# biblioteku. Razvojni okvir Unity (engl. Unity framework) predstavlja C# biblioteku. 3D igra (Igrica u 3 dimenzije)
C# (Programski jezik C sharp)
Dionyzus (Naziv igrice)
Keywords (english)
Game engine Unity which refers to complete Unity
editor and C# library
framework Unity which refers to C# library
C# programming language
Dionyzus -name of the game
3D game - game in 3 dimensions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:410547
Study programme Title: Information Technology – professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka informacijskih tehnologija (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka informacijskih tehnologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-10-30 13:03:13