Author Sandi Baletić
Mentor Anita Krolo - Crvelin (mentor)
Committee member Goran Ćorluka (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivona Jukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-10-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Strategija se koristi u mnogim aktivnostima današnjice. U početku, strategija se koristila u ratnoj terminologiji gdje su je prve civilizacije provlačile kroz umijeće ratovanja. Međutim, brze tehnološke i društvene promjene dovele su do toga da se strategija počela koristiti i u nekim drugim sferama. Brzi razvoj na globalnom tržištu doveo je do velikog utjecaja vanjskih faktora koji su često nepredvidivi za poduzeća te koji imaju veliki utjecaj na njihovo poslovanje. Zbog toga menadžment treba pravodobno skupljati informacije o svemu što se događa unutar i izvan poduzeća. Te će mu informacije pomoći pri lakšem i kvalitetnijem upravljanju poslovanjem i određivanjem strategije. Svako poduzeće koristi različite strategije kojim upravljaju poduzećima, biraju najbolje strategije za svoje potrebe i najbolje načine implementacije tih strategija. Postoji 5 faza koje poduzeća koriste pri provedbi strategije gdje analiziraju svoju okolinu, postavljaju i formuliraju strategiju, provode strategiju, te je na kraju kontroliraju i ocjenjuju da li je sve prošlo kako je planirano, te uklanjaju sve nedostatke. Sva poduzeća su osnovana s ciljem ostvarivanja dobiti, to je i svrha njihove egzistencije, ali također to ne mora biti jedini motiv pri osnivanju poduzeća jer ona mogu pridonijeti široj društvenoj zajednici aktivnostima kao što su zapošljavanje, briga o okolišu te slično. Kako bi se uopće mogla početi razvijati strategija, poduzeća prvo trebaju odrediti svoju svrhu na tržištu te cilj kojem teže. Tu su jako bitna misija i vizija. Vizija predstavlja put kojim će se poduzeće kretati i aspiracije prema kojima teži, dok misija jednostavno predstavlja način na koji će se vizija i ciljevi poduzeća ostvariti. Tek na temelju misije, vizije i ciljeva može se odrediti prava strategija. Kako bi se upravljalo zaposlenicima, resursima, prihodima, troškovima vrlo je važno za menadžment da ne zanemare strategiju kao jako bitan faktor upravljanja poduzećem.
Abstract (english) The strategy is used in various activities of today. From the beginning it was used in wartime terminology, where the first civilizations pushed the strategy through the art of warfare. However, rapid change, technological, social, has led to the strategy being used in some other spheres. Rapid development in the global market has had a major impact on external factors that are often unpredictable for businesses and have a major impact on their business. For this reason, management needs to gather information in a timely manner about ever ything that is happening inside and outside the company. This information will help it manage business and strategy more easily and better. Each company use different strategies to manage businesses, they choose best strategy for their needs and best ways to implement those strategies. There are 5 stages that companies use when implementing a strategy where they analyse their environment, set and formulate a strategy, implement a strategy and ultimately control it and assess whether everything has gone as planned and eliminate any shortcomings. All companies are made to make a profit, that is also the purpose of their existence but it also does not have to be the only motive when setting up a business as they can contribute to a wider community such as employment, environmental care etc. In order to even start developing a strategy, companies need to first determine their purpose in the market and what they aspire to. Mission and vision is very important part of strategy. The vision represents the path for the company to navigate and the aspirations it strives for as the mission simply outpertions the way the company's vision and objectives will be achieved. Only on the basis of a mission, vision and objectives the right strategy can be determined. In order to manage employees, resources, revenues, costs, it is very important for management not to neglect the strategy as a very important factor in the management of the company.
vanjski faktori
Keywords (english)
external factors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:114552
Study programme Title: Business Trade –– professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-01 09:26:35