Author Marin Franić
Mentor Mario Dadić (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Perkušić Malkoč (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katja Rakušić Cvrtak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Tema ovog rada je umjetna inteligencija prikazana na proizvodima korporacije Samsung. U radu je predstavljen Samsung, njegovi čelni ljudi, te je prikazana povijest kompanije od njenog osnutka, pa sve do današnjeg dana. Zatim je pojašnjen pojam umjetne definicije. Kao i u poglavlju o Samsungu, i ovdje je prikazana povijest nastanka ideje umjetne inteligencije, te pretvaranje te ideje u djela. Kada je riječ o umjetnoj inteligenciji, nemaju svi stručnjaci jednako mišljenje o njoj, pa su u radu iznesena mišljenja nekoliko stručnjaka po tom pitanju. Neki u njoj vide samo dobre stvari, neki vide samo loše, dok su neki ostali oprezni. U poglavlju broj četiri, umjetna inteligencija i Samsung su spojeni u jedno, te su prikazani najprodavaniji Samsung proizvodi koji koriste umjetnu inteligenciju. U petom poglavlju su prikazani pogledi uglednih stručnjaka na tehnološku budućnost, te su prikazane industrijske grane na koje bi umjetna inteligencija trebala imati najveći utjecaj. Također, ni po pitanju budućnosti se svi ne slažu, pa se u petom poglavlju mogu pronaći razne kritike i upozorenja na tehnološku budućnost. Peto poglavlje donosi osvrt na ovaj rad, ali i svojevrsnu kritiku na svjetske probleme i krivo postavljene svjetske prioritete. Također, u zaključku se može pronaći i misao u kojem pravcu bi razvoj tehnologije trebao ići, te koje probleme prve treba rješavati. Umjetna inteligencija je jako kompleksna tema, te je ovaj rad zamišljen da približi tehnologiju i umjetnu inteligenciju čitatelju, sa svim njihovim dobrim, ali i lošim stranama.
Abstract (english) The topic of this paper is artificial intelligence displayed on Samsung products. The paper presents Samsung, its leading people, and presents the history of the company from its inception to the present day. The notion of artificial definition is then clarified. As in the chapter on Samsung, the history of the idea of artificial intelligence and its transformation into works is presented in this paper work. When it comes to artificial intelligence, not all experts have the same opinion about it, so this paper will present the opinions of several experts on this issue. Some see only good things in it, some see only bad, while others are cautious. In Chapter Four, artificial intelligence and Samsung are merged into one, and Samsung’s bestselling products that use artificial intelligence are shown. The fifth chapter presents the views of eminent experts on the technological future, and presents the industries on which artificial intelligence should have the greatest impact. Also, not everyone agrees on the future, so in the fifth chapter you can find various criticisms and warnings about the technological future. The sixth chapter provides an overview of this work, but also a kind of critique of world problems and misplaced world priorities. Also, in the conclusion, one can find an idea in which direction the development of technology should go, and which problems should be solved first. Artificial intelligence is a very complex topic, and this paper is designed to bring technology and artificial intelligence closer to the reader, with all their pros and cons.
umjetna inteligencija
pametni uređaji
Keywords (english)
Artificial Intelligence
smart devices
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:303383
Study programme Title: Business Trade – specialist graduate - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-02 14:38:44