Title Fizioterapeutska procjena i modaliteti fizikalnog liječenja u gerijatrijske populacije Doma zdravlja Vrgorac
Title (english) Physiotherapeutic assessment and physical therapy modalities in the geriatric population of the Vrgorac Health Centre
Author Tina Pervan
Mentor Jure Aljinović (mentor)
Committee member Ana Poljičanin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivanka Marinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jure Aljinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati proces fizikalne terapije u gerijatrijske populacije provedene u Domu zdravlja Vrgorac. Specifični ciljevi važni za ovo istraživanje su:
istražiti i prikazati proces ambulantne fizikalne terapije Doma zdravlja Vrgorac u kojoj sudjeluju osobe starije dobi te donijeti zaključak o kvaliteti pružene zdravstvene usluge, prikazati koje su najčešće dijagnoze zbog kojih osoba starije dobi dolaze na fizikalnu terapiju Doma zdravlja Vrgorac, utvrditi koje se fizioterapijske procedure najviše koriste kod starijih osoba koje su korisnici fizikalne terapije Doma zdravlja Vrgorac te donijeti zaključak o utjecaju provedene fizikalne terapije na kvalitetu zdravlja starijih osoba.
Metode: U ovom istraživanju korišteni su podatci pacijenata dobiveni iz njihove medicinske dokumentacije tj. fizioterapijskog kartona koji se koristi u ambulanti za fizikalnu terapiju Doma zdravlja Vrgorac. Podatci opisani u istraživanju su dob, spol, dijagnoza te modaliteti fizikalne terapije koji su korišteni u liječenju osoba starije dobi u ambulantnoj fizikalnoj terapiji Doma zdravlja Vrgorac. Od ukupnog broja pacijenata koji su boravili na fizikalnoj terapiji Doma zdravlja Vrgorac u razdoblju 01.10.2019. do 01.11.2019. godine izdvojeni su i uključeni u istraživanje fizioterapijski kartoni osoba iznad 65 god. Ukupan broj osoba koje su boravile na fizikalnoj terapiji u tom razdoblju iznosi 36, a od toga 16 osoba je starosne dobi iznad 65 god. (6 muškaraca i 10 žena) odnosno 44,44 %.
Rezultati: Nakon provedenog istraživanja utvrđeno je na temelju broja modaliteta fizikalne terapije po osobi polovina pacijenata prima barem 4 modaliteta, da je pružena terapija kvalitetna te je hipoteza 1 prihvaćena kao istinita. U odnosu na dijagnoze pacijenata najčešća dijagnoza je M 53.1 (Syndroma cervicobrachiale bilat. chr.), te M 54.5 (Syndroma lumbosacrale). Modalitet fizikalne terapije koji se najčešće koristio je interferentne struje na lumbosakralni dio (n=5; 31,25%). Uvjeti rada i tehnička opremljenost zadovoljavaju minimalno propisane uvjete. Nedostatak koji je primjećen tijekom ovog istraživanja a utječe na kvalitetu pružene zdravstvene usluge i njezine ishode je samo jedan zaposlenih fizioterapeut.
Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da se fizikalna terapija Doma zdravlja Vrgorac odvija u prostoru koji ima minimalne tehničke uvjete i u kojem se pruža zadovoljavajuća fizioterapeutska skrb. Također je utvrđeno da 40% pacijenata spada u gerontološku populaciju što je rezultat starenja populacije na području grada Vrgorca. Starija populacija koja ima veće potrebe za pomoći i više komorbiditeta zahtijeva produljeno vrijeme zdravstvene usluge. Smatram da će potreba za fizikalnom terapijom s vremenom sve više rasti pa je potrebno unaprijed planirati zdravstvenu politiku kako bi svi dobili adekvatnu skrb.
Abstract (english) Goal: The main goal of this research is to present the process of physical therapy in geriatric population conducted at the Vrgorac Health Center. The specific objectives important for this research are: investigation and presentation of the process of outpatient physical therapy in the Vrgorac Health Center in which the elderly participate and coming to a conclusion about the quality of health care provided, presenting the most common diagnoses due to which the elderly come to the physical therapy in the Vrgorac Health Center, determining which physiotherapy procedures are most used for the elderly who are users of physical therapy at the Vrgorac Health Center and drawing a conclusion about the impact of physical therapy on the quality of health of the elderly.
Methods: In this research, patients’ data is obtained from their medical documentation (physiotherapy card) used in the physical therapy clinic of the Vrgorac Health Center. The data described in the research is age, sex, diagnosis and modalities of physical therapy that were used in the treatment of the elderly in outpatient physical therapy at the Vrgorac Health Center. From the total number of patients who underwent physical therapy at the Health Center Vrgorac in the period from 01.10.2019. to 01.11.2019 g., physiotherapy records of people over 65 years of age were isolated and included in the research. The total number of people who underwent physical therapy in that period was 36, of which 16 were over 65 years of age (6 man and 10 woman) and 44,44%, respectively.
Results: After the research, it was determined based on the number of modalities of physical therapy per person, that the half of the patients receive at least 4 modalities, the provided therapy is of good quality and that hypothesis 1 is accepted as true. In relation to the diagnoses of patients, the most common diagnosis is M 53.1 (Syndroma cervicobrachiale bilat. chr.), and M 54.5 (Syndroma lumbosacrale). The most commonly used physical therapy modality is interferencing currents to the lumbosacral part (n=5; 31.25%). Working conditions and technical equipment meet the minimum prescribed conditions. The shortcoming that was noticed during this research and that affects the quality of health care provided and its outcomes is that there is only one employed physiotherapist.
Conclusion: This research has shown that physical therapy of the Vrgorac Health Center takes place in a space that has minimal technical requirements and in which satisfactory physiotherapeutic care is provided. It was also determined that 40% of patients belong to the gerontological population as a result of the aging population in the area of the town of Vrgorac. Older population that has greater needs for help and more comorbidities requires extended health care time. I believe that the need for physical therapy will increase over time, so it is necessary to plan health policy in advance so that everyone receives adequate care.
fizikalna terapija
gerijatrijska populacija
Dom zdravlja Vrgorac
Keywords (english)
geriatric population
Vrgorac Health Care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:822205
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-02-08 07:07:42