Title Carol Gilligan i etika skrbi
Author Ante Uzelac
Mentor Ana Jeličić (mentor)
Committee member Ljubica Žunić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Antičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Jeličić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2021-03-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Ethics
Abstract Etika je filozofska disciplina koja proučava moral te istražuje ljudsko ponašanje kroz prizmu moralnog dobra i zla. Postoji više etičkih teorija, a najzastupljenije su deontološka i konzekvencijalistička. Teorija etike vrline je svojevrsni most između te dvije teorije, odnosno ona na drugačiji način određuje vrednovanje ljudskih postupaka. Kao poddisciplina primjenjene etike medicinska etika se suočava s moralnim dilemama u medicini uslijed znanstvenih dostignuća, a ona je nezamisliva bez skrbi. Mit o skrbi pokazuje da je skrb važna odrednica čovjeka kroz koju on postiže puninu svog djelovanja. Briga i skrb su predmeti i filozofskih promišljanja. U filozofiji M. Heidegera i S. Kierkegaarda briga je imala važno mjesto jer su čovjekov život smatrali bremenitim skrbi. Međutim, medicinska etika je uglavnom izgrađena na principima. Kako bi se na uspješan način riješili etički sukobi Thomas Beauchamp i James Childress dopunili su Hipokratova načela neškodljivosti i dobročinstva s načelima autonomnosti te pravednosti. Za ispravno moralno vrednovanje važne su i određene karakteristike čiji razvoj potpomažu teološke kreposti vjere, nade i ljubavi, te kardinalne kreposti mudrosti, hrabrosti, umjerenosti i pravednosti. Ideju skrbi u promišljanju morala zastupala je američka psihologinja Carol Gilligan. Za razliku od tradicionalnog pogleda na moralnost, gdje se autonomnost i pravednost shvaćaju kao najviši stupanj moralne vrijednosti (Kohlberg), C. Gilligan pruža drukčiji pogled na moralnost, gdje naglašava važnost pojmova kao što su briga i skrb za svakog čovjeka, neovisno o spolu, te nedjeljivost razuma i osjećaja pri donošenju moralnog suda.
Abstract (english) Ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies morals and explores human behaviour through the prism of moral good and evil. There are multiple ethical theories with the deontological ethics and consequentialism being the most represented. Virtue ethics bridges, in a way, the two aforementioned theories, i.e. it evaluates human actions using a different approach. As a branch of applied ethics, medical ethics faces moral dilemmas within the medicine and its scientific achievements while it is also inconceivable without care. The Myth of Cura (care) shows how care is an important human aspect through which a person achieves fulfilment. Care is also a subject of philosophical thought. Care had an important place in the philosophies of M. Heidegger and S. Kierkegaard because they considered human life to be full of care. However, medical ethics is mostly built on principles. In order to successfully resolve ethical conflicts, Thomas Beauchamp and James Childress complemented the Hippocratic principles of nonmaleficence and beneficence with the principles of autonomy and justice. Certain characteristics, whose development is aided by theological virtues of faith, hope and charity as well as cardinal virtues of prudence, fortitude, temperance and justice, are also important for accurate moral evaluation. American psychologist Carol Gilligan advocates the idea of care in moral deliberation. Unlike the traditional view on morality where autonomy and justice are seen as the highest level of moral value (Kohlberg), C. Gilligan provides a different viewpoint on morality where she emphasizes the importance of the notions such as care for every person, regardless of gender, as well as indivisibility of reason and emotion in making moral judgement.
Carol Gilligan
Keywords (english)
Carol Gilligan
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:923967
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-15 13:34:40