Title Fizioterapeutska procjena i najčešći modaliteti fizikalne terapije u gerontološkoj populaciji - pregled literature
Title (english) Physiotherapeutic assessment and the most common modalities of physical therapy in gerontological population - literature review
Author Matea Gadžo
Mentor Jure Aljinović (mentor)
Committee member Ivanka Marinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Poljičanin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jure Aljinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2021-03-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract U radu je obrađena tema najčešćih modaliteta fizikalne terapije u gerontološkoj populaciji kojoj je prethodila procjena fizioterapeuta. Starenje je biološki proces koji započinje rođenjem i kroz koji prolazi svaki čovjek, dok je starost posljednje razvojno razdoblje u ljudskome životu. Karakteristike starijih ljudi se očituju u pogledu njihovih funkcionalnih sposobnosti. S odmakom životne dobi odvijaju se brojne promjene u organizmu, što izaziva progresivno slabljenje i oštećenje funkcije
... More organa pa je u toj dobi čest multimorbiditet, a to dodatno pogoršava kvalitetu života. Fizioterapijska procjena proces je prikupljanja i interpretiranja podataka potrebnih za razumijevanje osobe, situacije ili sustava, uključujući planiranje terapijskog procesa, i dokumentaciju, uz korištenje specifičnih oruđa i instrumenata koji su sastavni dio fizioterapije. Procjena uključuje pregled pojedinca s vidljivim ili potencijalnim oštećenjima, kao i funkcionalnim ograničenjima. Glavni ciljevi fizioterapije u intervenciji starijih bolesnika su smanjenje boli, povećanje snage, povećanje ili održavanje opsega pokreta u zglobovima, održavanje ili uspostavljanje ravnoteže i koordinacije, učenje hoda uz pomagala i korištenje invalidskih kolica, poboljšanje funkcionalnih sposobnosti u svakodnevnim životnim aktivnostima, te naposljetku i edukacija pacijenta i obitelji o novonastalim problemima i navikama. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je pretragom medicinskih baza podataka napraviti pregled literature o najzastupljenijim modalitetima fizikalne terapije u gerontološkoj populaciji, fokusirajući se na one najčešće, te na temelju rezultata opisati najoptimalniji pristup rehabilitaciji koje će pomoći budućim istraživačima u izradi još preciznijih smjernica za rehabilitaciju iste. U obzir su uzete sve studije zaključno sa 2019. godinom, a pretražene su baze podataka koje su relevantne za područje fizikalne i rehabilitacijske medicine: PubMed, PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) i Cochrane Central. Dosadašnji dokazi u istraženim radovima ukazali su za sada kod gerontološke populacije, samo učinkovitost aerobnog vježbanja i krio terapije kod reumatoloških bolesti, dok ultrazvuk, magnet i elektroterapija ukazuju na benefit, ali vrlo su niske razine dokaza. Less
Abstract (english) The paper deals with the topic of the most common modalities of physical therapy in the gerontological population preceded by the assessment of physiotherapists. Aging is a biological process that begins at birth and that every human being goes through, while old age is the last developmental period in human life. The characteristics of older people are manifested in terms of their functional abilities. As age progresses, numerous changes take place in the organism, which causes
... More progressive weakening and impairment of organ function, so multimorbidity is common at that age, which further worsens the quality of life. Physiotherapy assessment is the process of collecting and interpreting the data needed to understand a person, situation, or system, including planning the therapeutic process, and documentation, using specific tools and instruments that are an integral part of physiotherapy. The assessment includes an examination of the individual with visible or potential impairment as well as functional limitations. The main goals of physiotherapy in the intervention of elderly patients are to reduce pain, increase strength, increase or maintain range of motion in the joints, maintain or establish balance and coordination, learning to walk with aids and using a wheelchair, improving functional abilities in daily activities, and finally education patient and family about emerging problems and habits. The aim of this review is to search medical databases to review the literature on the most common modalities of physical therapy in the gerontological population, focusing on the most common, and based on the results to describe the most optimal approach to rehabilitation that will help future researchers develop even more precise guidelines for rehabilitation. All studies up to 2019 were taken into account, and databases relevant to the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine were searched: PubMed, PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) and Cochrane Central. To date, evidence in the studies has indicated for now in the gerontological population, only the effectiveness of aerobic exercise and cryotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis, while ultrasound, magnet and electrotherapy indicate a benefit, but very low levels of evidence. Less
fizioterapeutska procjena
fizikalna terapija
Keywords (english)
physiotherapeutic assessment
physical therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:578497
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-03-31 06:35:51