Title Utjecaj vježbi u ankilozantnom spondilitisu na različite domene bolesti
Author Tomislav Copić
Mentor Jure Aljinović (mentor)
Committee member Ivanka Marinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Poljičanin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jure Aljinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2021-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Ankilozantni spondilitis je kronična, progresivna bolest, upalnog tipa koja pripada reumatskim bolestima. Ova bolest uglavnom zahvaća aksijalni skelet i sakroilijakalne zglobove, dovodeći do karakterističnih upalnih bolova. Isto tako može zahvatiti periferne zglobove, enteze i izvanzglobne strukture.
Najčešće su pogođeni muškarci, i to u omjeru 3:1. Citokin TNF-α je taj koji pokreće upalni proce.ces. Sakroilijakalni zglobovi su prvi zahvaćeni upalom. Među prvim simptomima bolesti je
... More križobolja, upalnog tipa, a smještena je u donjem dijelu leđa i/ili duboko glutealno, a moguće je i širenje niz natkoljeni. Upalna križobolja očituje se bolovima koji traju dulje od tri mjeseca, koji se smiruju razgibavanjem, a pojačavaju u mirovanju. Ovakav tip križobolje počinje postupno, kroz jutro uzrokuje zakočenost koja traje dulje od 30 minuta, a česta je i navečer gdje se pojačava ponovno te tjera pacijenta da se ustane.
Vrlo su česti entezitisi koji se pojavljuju na petama, kukovima, ramenu i koljenima. Promjene na kralježnici koje se najranije pojavljuju nalaze se na Th-L prijelazu i proširuju se kaudalni i kranijalno. Progresijom dolazi do fleksijskog i pogrbljenog držanja koji podsjeća na stav skijaša. Pacijenti zamjećuju gubitak kilograma, umor je itekako prisutan, a povišena tjelesna temperatura je učestala. Za procjenu funkcionalne nesposobnosti, aksijalne pokretljivosti i mjerenje aktivnosti bolesti koriste se razni indeksi kako bi se što lakše utvrdila stanja bolesnika.
U liječenju i rehabilitaciji reumatskih bolesti postoji čitav niz oblika koji se koriste kao postupci fizikalne medicine. Najbitnija i najdjelotvornija stavka je kinezoterapija koja svojim funkcijskim modelima te liječenjem pokretom dovodi do bržeg izlječenja i oporavka. Provedba terapijskih vježbi uključuje: vježbe istezanja, vježbe opsega pokreta, vježbe mobilizacije kralježnice ili zglobova, vježbe snaženja te vježbe aerobmog kapaciteta. Spoj farmakološke i nefarmakološke terapije je danas nužan kako bi došlo do napretka općeg stanja i funkcionalne sposobnosti bolesnika, a mogu biti indicirani i kiruški zahvati. Less
Abstract (english) Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic, progressive disease, an inflammatory type that belongs to rheumatic diseases. This disease mainly affects the axial skeleton and sacroiliac joints, leading to characteristic inflammatory pain. It can also affect peripheral joints, entheses, and extraarticular structures.
Men are most often affected, in a ratio of 3: 1. The cytokine TNF-α is the one that triggers the inflammatory process. The sacroiliac joints are the first to be affected by
... More inflammation. Among the first symptoms of the disease is low back pain, inflammatory type, which is located in the lower back and / or deep gluteally, and it is possible to spread down the thighs. Inflammatory low back pain is manifested by pain that lasts longer than three months, which is calmed by exercise, and intensified at rest. This type of back pain starts gradually, causes stiffness lasting more than 30 minutes in the morning, and is common in the evening where it intensifies again and makes the patient stand up.
Enthesitis that occurs on the heels, hips, shoulders, and knees is very common. The changes in the spine that appear earliest are found at the Th-L junction and extend caudally and cranially. Progression leads to a flexible and hunched posture reminiscent of the attitude of skiers. Patients notice weight loss, fatigue is very present, and fever is frequent. Various indices are used to assess functional incapacity, axial mobility, and to measure disease activity in order to determine patient conditions as easily as possible.
In the treatment and rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases there are a number of forms used as physical medicine procedures. The most important and most effective item is kinesitherapy, which with its functional models and movement therapy leads to faster healing and recovery. The implementation of therapeutic exercises includes: stretching exercises, range of motion exercises, exercises to mobilize the spine or joints, strengthening exercises and aerobic capacity exercises. A combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy is necessary today in order to improve the general condition and functional ability of patients, surgical procedures also can be indicated. Less
utjecaj ankilozantni domene
liječenje i rehabilitacija reumatskih bolesti
Keywords (english)
impact ankylosing domains
treatment and rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:280517
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-07-15 12:49:52